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GALA Festival 2024!

We are getting excited!

Every four years (with the exception of 2020), Rainbow Women’s Chorus has the opportunity to participate in an international choral festival, produced by GALA Choruses (Gay and Lesbian Association of Choruses). GALA Festival celebrates more than 15,000 singers representing nearly 200 LGBTQ+ choruses in North America and beyond.


Besides the never-ending concert performances, there are workshops and seminars on all aspects of choral performance. RWC brings back what we learn and share it with you, our audience.

In 2000, when RWC was a brand new chorus, less than three years old, we joined Silicon Valley Gay Men’s Chorus in hosting Festival 2000 here in San Jose. In 2004, RWC traveled to Montreal, Canada. Four years later we met in Miami and the next two Festivals were in Denver. Covid canceled the 2020 Festival. We are looking forward to traveling to Minneapolis in July, 2024.

RWC will be putting together a fundraising campaign for the 2024 Festival so that all of our singers are able to attend. Stay tuned for more info. We appreciate your support!