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Shepherds College—Hidden in the Heart of Racine County

Did you know there is a hidden gem in the heart of Racine County? Shepherds College, a post-secondary school for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) offering accredited studies in Culinary Arts, Horticulture, and Technology, is celebrating its 15th anniversary!


Students come to Shepherds College from all over the globe Inside 15 years of operations, students enrolled at Shepherds College from over 35 states and nine different countries. Shepherds College graduates have a job placement rate of 80%, surpassing the national average of 21% for people with disabilities.

Over fifteen years ago, when the idea for Shepherds College was conceived by a team of visionary thinkers at Shepherds Ministries, the staff knew they were heading into uncharted territory . A model for education like Shepherds College was untried but so necessary. At that time, young people with disabilities were commonly found languishing in front of the television after high school graduation for lack of post-secondary programming or job availability . The Shepherds team was determined to meet these people with the message that God had a greater purpose for them; they had unrealized potential, and it was time to show the world their tremendous capabilities.

Now, fifteen years after Shepherds College opened, hundreds of schools and programs for students with IDD are available nationwide. But Shepherds College stands out in the crowd. Why?

• Shepherds College is currently the only accredited school of its kind in the country. The Council on Occupational Education determined that Shepherds College met its high standards for educational excellence.

• Shepherds College provides a graduated student housing structure . As students learn living skills and demonstrate responsibility, they move from dorms to halls to apartments Each living area offers more significant opportunities for independence .

• Shepherds College approaches student training from a faithbased and holistic vantage point. Each student is seen as an individual, created to use their God-given gifts and abilities to contribute to their community .

• When students learn in an environment designed specifically to ensure their optimal growth, they will thrive . Shepherds College was designed to meet the particular living and learning needs of students with IDD . Customized curriculum, 24-hour staffing, secure environments, and accessibility tools are just some of the features that comprise the Shepherds College program . Another important distinction is that Shepherds College was designed exclusively for students with IDD, focusing on preparing them for a lifetime of inclusion in their communities.

• Shepherds College engages with its community, recognizing the importance for the success of the students and the overall program . It relies on local businesses to help train its 3rd-year students and provide jobs for local alums Community members sit on advisory boards, support fundraising efforts, and help spread awareness of the mission of Shepherds College The students are building a vital support system of trusted community contacts who will encourage them on their journey toward independence.

“When I was at Shepherds College, I knew that all the other students attending regular colleges still had to learn in the school of hard knocks after graduating,” stated Brett Fischer, Class of 2012. “They had a lot to learn about life and job skills in the real world once they were through. But we, the students of Shepherds College, learned and practiced those skills in our classes and living areas. We were ready for independence when we graduated!

“It was so easy to connect with people at Shepherds College! We all had disabilities, so we understood and accepted each other. We all faced similar struggles in our past, and those struggles connected us.

“Shepherds College built a school unlike any other. A college just for me and other students with disabilities. I’m independent because of it.”

Because the Shepherds College model works so well, the school is often asked, “Why aren’t there more Shepherds College locations?” They are determined to make that happen! Through an intentional focus on expanding Shepherds Foundation, Inc, the school’s fundraising arm, and creating new summer programs to gauge interest and demand, expansion is on the horizon to continue to meet the needs of students with IDD around the country – and maybe one day the world!

Shepherds College is part of the RAMAC community. If you know a student who would be a good fit for Shepherds College, please contact admissions@shepherdscollege edu for more information. To talk to a Shepherds College representative about other ways to get involved with the Shepherds College mission, please contact Kevin Phillips at kphillips@shepherdscollege edu

RAMAC member since 2022.

How can you get involved with Shepherds College?

Consider hiring an unpaid Shepherds College intern for your business. You need affordable help; the 3rd year students need experience in culinary arts, horticulture, and various technology fields. What a match! Call 262-878-5620 for information on the Occupational Experience program.

Visit campus! Call 878-6359 to schedule a tour or register for Preview Day or Open House. Shepherds College also opens its campus to the public for its seasonal Greenhouse sales. Follow Shepherds College on Facebook and Instagram for event updates!

Send Shepherds College a gift through its Amazon Wish List.

Volunteer – Call 262-878-5620 and ask to talk to the Volunteer Coordinator.

Shepherds College is a 501(c)(3). Make a donation to build the Shepherds College scholarship fund and enable more students with IDD to attend its ground-breaking program.