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Green Apple: The main color, it conveys the overall feeling of calm and comfort (used more as the main accent, do not oversaturate using this color).

Hex: #9BC281 RGB: (155,194,129) CMYK: (0.2010,0.0000,0.3351,0.2392) Pantone: 359 C


Peach: An accent color that completes the analogous palette (can be rather bright so use in very small doses).

Hex: #F4B09C RGB: (244,176,156) CMYK: (0.0000,0.2787,0.3607,0.0431) Pantone: 1625 C

Aqua: A cool accent color that helps with the calming feeling (can be used to highlight important things).

Hex: #8ED2CA RGB: (142,210,202) CMYK: (0.3238,0.0000,0.0381,0.1765) Pantone: 571 C

Canary: The main color used solely in the background (keeps the back from being white, should not be used in any other context than in the back).

Hex: #FFFAEF RGB: (255,250,239) CMYK: (0.0000,0.0196,0.0627,0.0000) Pantone: 7499 C

Mint Green: Another much lighter green color, used to tie the color of the lunch tray in with the website.

Hex: #B5E7BB RGB: (181,231,187) CMYK: (0.2165,0.0000,0.1905,0.0941) Pantone: 7485 C

Stone: The dark color used mainly for any text or to contrast against the lighter colors.

Hex: #707070 RGB: (112,112,112) CMYK: (0.0000,0.0000,0.0000,0.5608) Pantone: 425 C