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Networking During the Delta Varient

Networking During the Delta Variant

How to maintain contact when you can’t meet in person.

Keeping up with networking is more important than ever. Particularly given that many of our industry friends have lost their jobs due to the coronavirus and are displaced. Also, many municipal and County governments have reinstituted travel bans. Networking is essential for industry leaders pursuing new growth benchmarks, such as discovering new clients, market segments, partnerships, and talented, innovative people to help drive success. We must continue performing the same essential efforts before the virus without face-to-face interaction to network while facing obstacles effectively. Below are four methods to network during the delta variant.

Tap into your network for introductions.

Years ago, I used the title of “business intermediary.” I could monetize my relationships inside and outside the industry and help make connections for in-

dividuals and organizations to grow. We all can leverage our contacts to do the same and make introductions. If your intermediary is trustworthy and sees the potential of an introduction, then a preliminary meeting will increase the benefits for you both. These introductions take place spontaneously when attending in-person conferences and trade shows. Consider the case last year and this year as we all attended virtual meetings. It was great to see friends and colleagues that we had not seen in quite some time. However, locating a person at times could be challenging as we all respected appointments taking place in chat rooms or by private Zoom meetings. No one has the answer as there is no simple solution. More readily, depending on what may occur this Fall with in-person conferences that may turn into virtual opportunities, request that colleagues introduce you to individuals and ask for a videoconference. While a Google Meet, Teams, or Zoom meeting will be void of the natural feel of an in-person conference introduction, you will prevent any health risk you are likely to attain the same results.

Reconnect with colleagues.

As the years go on, you will find yourself with a growing list of individuals you have worked closely with on projects and various organizations. Some you may be in frequent contact with, and some may not have connected with for years. Reconnecting with these individuals could provide a more beneficial outcome than someone you connected with several months ago. Just think, those you have not talked with for a while may have had new experiences that could help as you stare new business challenges in the face. Likewise, you may be free to help them in the same way.

Provide a benefit.

Are you somewhat new to the sports tourism industry? If so, your network may be limited. Therefore, you must build a solid opener that will pique interest. These days, as our in-person opportunities may be limited for you, it can be a challenge. Not to fear; instead, use social networks, such as LinkedIn, to begin contact. A crucial step in doing so is to craft initial outreach that benefits them successfully. This approach is so much more successful than asking for a favor from the get-go that helps only you. The approach seems obvious. Still, I weekly receive invitations to connect from people I have never met in my life that see I have invested in startups and their initial reaction is to send me their basic pitch note. Sadly, these are typically one-sided. Please do not make this widespread mistake. Research each person and organization you wish to communicate with and begin with beneficial opening outreach.

Follow up but don’t be a nuisance.

If days and weeks have gone by without a response, do not take it personally or feel as though all is lost. Remember, we are all busy and swamped with an extensive task list. Also, sometimes things fall through the cracks. Follow up, though if you go in too hard with repeated attempts, you could quickly be thought of as a hindrance and never receive a reply. You can follow up without being a nuisance. For example, resend your introduction and, this time add relevant article links that may be of interest. Or more clearly demonstrate the benefits of a partnership for the other person. This type of follow-up will not create results one hundred percent of the time, but the added effort you spend on ideas to help the recipient will increase your chances of them realizing that you are a worthwhile connection to make.