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The Role of Air Duct Cleaning in Maintaining HVAC System Lifespan

One way you can make sure your home is comfortable and healthy for the people who live there is to regularly have your ductwork cleaned. Dirt, dust, and other particles in the ducts can affect your family's health and cause problems such as breathing difficulties.

Keeping the air in your home clean can improve your quality of life and help keep you healthier, happier, and more productive. If you have an allergic reaction, asthma, or other respiratory issues, then air duct cleaning can be especially beneficial for you and your family.


The average life of an HVAC system is 15 to 20 years, but a dirty HVAC system will shorten its lifespan considerably. This is because dirt and dust are a major source of wear and tear, causing the system to run longer and require more energy than it otherwise would have needed to do.

A clean duct system can also reduce your energy bills and help your furnace work more efficiently, which saves you money. Additionally, the clean ducts will prevent dust, pollen, and other contaminants from settling on your furniture, bedding, floors, and other surfaces, which may be the root cause of indoor allergies.

Another benefit of keeping the air ducts clean is that it will extend the lifetime of your system's filters. If your ducts have accumulated too much dirt, then your filters will have to be replaced more often than they should.

Having your ducts cleaned will remove harmful contaminants and bacteria that can be introduced into the home by HVAC systems, air cleaners, and other appliances. This includes mold and bacteria that could cause a host of respiratory issues, including coughing, wheezing, and sinus congestion.

Your ducts should be cleaned at least once every three to five years, but this number can vary depending on your situation. Your home's age, its environment, and the amount of debris that builds up can all influence the frequency you should have your ducts cleaned.

Professionally-trained technicians will thoroughly inspect your ductwork before attempting to clean it. This will allow them to spot any holes or other defects, as well as determine the extent of buildup.

They will use special tools to dislodge and remove the debris, then vacuum them out. This ensures that you get the best possible results and the highest level of indoor air quality.

In addition to keeping the ducts clean, you should have your air filters checked frequently as well. A dirty filter will not only clog quickly, but will also cause the unit to work harder than it should, increasing your energy costs.

The National Air Duct Cleaners Association establishes procedures that accredited contractors must follow to properly clean a wide range of system components. These include ducts, registers, filters, plenums, and evaporator coils.

Besides these benefits, cleaning your ducts can help increase the lifespan of your HVAC system by making it work more efficiently. This will not only reduce your energy bills, but will also help you save money on repairs and replacements in the future.