3 minute read

Clark Mitchell, PSWC-DP, PSA

by Pam Comfort

Clark Mitchell became a PSWC Regional Representative in 2022. He hosts events in the Sebastopol/Napa/Sonoma area of California.

What has been your experience regarding painting with others, rather than painting alone?

The pluses outweigh the minuses! I’m much more likely to get out to paint if I have at least one other artist making location suggestions and pinning down a time to get out to paint. I tend to decide where to paint fairly quickly, so it can mean a little more driving or hiking when you have several sets of eyes looking for

“that perfect scene.” When I’m out on location, my focus is painting, however, I may walk away from my own work part way through to see what everyone else is doing and then return to my easel to finish with fresh eyes. After the session, when we gather round to look at what everyone has done, I enjoy the banter.

What are the advantages of gathering with other artists?

I love to get inspiration from other people’s compositions, color choices and view choices. I firmly believe in group energy. Maybe it’s just the dynamics of the power in numbers. Maybe it’s partly wanting to do a good job before my peers. Group critiques and conversations at the end of a session are always fun and educational.

Meet the Regional Reps: Clark Mitchell

What kinds of regional events have you had, or do you plan to have?

One of the first gatherings will be a group critique at my wonderful straw bale studio, which I open once a year during Open Studios. At this first session, we will get to know each other better than at a paint-out where we’re scattered. We can decide as a group best days/times to meet and talk about future gatherings.

There are numerous regional parks in our area as well as countless vineyards with terrific views. Fall color can last for several months, beginning in September and going all the way through December, so I’m planning on taking advantage of this. I also love to do demonstrations in front of groups, especially other artists. I’m sure there will be other participants that would be happy showing their process.

How has being a Regional Representative impacted your practice?

I’m sure it will “up my game” painting in front of others. I will get to know new artists in the area. I love the advice and suggestions (such as about framers, art materials, galleries, upcoming shows) that get exchanged in group settings.

What advice would you offer to other artists interested in group paint-outs, paint-ins, critiques, etc.?

When planning a paint-out, find a location with a variety of subject matter. Farms can be great, or wineries with views. Bathrooms are essential, as is good parking. Views without too much hiking can accommodate all types of folks. Plan to be done with each painting within two hours. Anything longer and the light will have changed enough so that it’s time to start a new scene. I often do a quickie if companions are still working. Dress in layers and bring plenty of water and a snack. Hats to block out the glare are essential.

For paint-ins and still life painting, keep it simple unless this is your regular subject matter. I always like to include something natural: flowers, fruit, etc. Play around with lighting. Do a number of sketches until you find your favorite composition. When attending critiques, remember that everyone will have a different opinion. Take people’s words as one way of looking at your painting, not necessarily “the” way to see it. Be gentle with yourself and others. Frame suggestions in a positive way, and only make changes to your work based on suggestions given after careful consideration. https://www.cgmitchell.com/

Most importantly, allow yourself to relax and be happy with however the session unfolds. Be easy on yourself.

From his website: Mitchell has been designated a Master Pastelist by the Pastel Society of America and a Distinguished Pastelist by the Pastel Society of the West Coast, and he recently earned Signature Member status with the Laguna Plein Air Painters of America. He has received numerous awards in local as well as national competitions and has oil and pastel paintings included in art collections internationally. In 2005, Mitchell won Best of Show award at the Laguna Plein Air Invitational, and in 2011 won Best of Show in the Maui Plein Air Painting Invitational. He was the cover artist for American Artist’’s March 1993 issue. He was chosen as poster artist for the Sedona Plein Air Festival for 2008. In 2009, his painting was on the cover of Southwest Art’s annual landscape issue. In 2011, Mitchell’s painting was on the cover of The Pastel Journal’s June issue.