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Overcoming communications challenges in healthcare facilities

Implementing new communication technologies in a business is not always straightforward. This could be for multiple reasons – for example, there might be a wide deployment area, a high number of employees that the technology needs to cater for, or safety standards that must be upheld

The latter applies particularly in healthcare settings. While communication is a key aspect for effective patient care, as well as ensuring medicines are handled safely, strict safety protocols must always be observed. Any tools and technologies need to be compliant with these regulations so that they can be deployed. There is no one-size-fits-all solution for healthcare facilities either – each deployment must meet the needs of the department, whether it’s patient-facing or ‘behind the scenes.’

Importance of hygiene

One challenge that healthcare companies share when implementing a new cordless telephony infrastructure is their ability to meet hygiene requirements. Usually, individual countries will have their own health and safety standards – NHS England, for instance, released its own national standards for cleanliness in 2021. Healthcare providers may also have classified premises, such as sterile workshops, within their facilities, where they need to avoid contamination. Upholding standards is important for their own safety, as well as that of their patients.

Dealing with different environments

Taking into account those high hygiene standards, technology has to be carefully selected to ensure it does not become a source of contamination and can control infection. Bacteria and viruses can be spread on equipment that is being handled regularly – and it’s easy for staff to overlook phone hygiene during busy days. Moreover, new devices must be able to adapt to rapid changes of temperature and humidity – particularly in sterile environments where steam-sterilising temperatures will remain at either 121 degrees fahrenheit or 132 degrees fahrenheit to kill microorganisms. This is why phones with military grade certified robustness and an antibacterial finish that can withstand alcohol-based solutions required for disinfecting clean rooms, are the best option for healthcare providers.

Finding the right solution

When implementing new communications equipment, product availability and cost will always play an important part. Using a base station can also make deployments of phones across larger sites such as hospitals simpler, connecting multiple devices through a single point. Snom’s IP-DECT phones meet a range of needs and can be deployed throughout healthcare facilities, providing staff with state-of-the-art technology and functionality to make their day-to-day jobs easier. L

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