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LOVIS EOS: Software created for humans

Forever. Focus on your mission. With hundreds of variations to more than thirty tree beginning-to-end business processes readily available, LOVIS EOS supports your needs today and tomorrow. Ready to grow, adaptive to new requirements and with seamless updates, you will always be on top of your business.

Easy. Simplify how you run your organisation. LOVIS EOS’s secure webbased end-user interface reduces time and effort for training and use. Record autofill and click-to-advance allow you to perform your business processes quickly and easily. Every user gets their job done productively with your custom set of next practices.

Today, governments and agencies use complex and rigid software to run their operations. They waste time, effort and money; citizens and users are unhappy. They suffer from Excel-ence Disease: abusing spreadsheets to do what their software cannot.

Innovative officials are willing to find the easy-to-use, fast-to-implement, adaptive software that does everything they need today and tomorrow.

Over ten years ago, the Food Security Agency in one of the world’s largest countries wasted more than 600,000 person-hours every year trying to maximise its available budget. After a six-month implementation in over a hundred offices around the country, more than 1,500 users run their beginning-to-end business processes in real-time, building reliable information that reflects reality. They improved budget efficiency by more than 17 per cent and reduced paper consumption by 80 per cent. Citizens and users are thrilled.

While performing their jobs, users build reliable real-time information that reflects their reality while keeping the budget under strict control. LOVIS automatically translates their operational data into accounting records to get 3-D Financial Statements in any standard and currency every morning.

LOVIS is the first zero-code, fully configurable government operating system platform on the cloud. It supports the procurement of goods and services with real-time budget control, inventory and use of consumables and fixed assets, transformation, planning, depreciation and decommissioning of fixed assets, rights billing and collection, multi-currency finance and treasury, accounting, business intelligence, business process management and workflow.

LOVIS adapts to every customer’s needs using business parameters while running on a multitenant cloud, the solution everyone is looking for. Get cured of the Excel-ence disease. Recover more than 400 hours per person every year, improve your budget efficiency by up to 20 per cent and reduce your government operating system’s carbon footprint by more than 85 per cent.

LOVIS EOS are experts in: Implementation. Fully customised zerocode implementation in less than six months with no operational disruption at go-live.

Operation. More than 33 configurable beginning-to-end business processes fulfil your needs from day one. Transactional double-entry, active budget controls and non-stop daily, monthly and annual closing procedures provide you with the agility you want.

Control. Easily configure the built-in business process management and security roles and profiles via drag-and-drop. Get a clear view of your risk matrices and build the workflow and functional and data security you need in one single step.

Information. Reliable transactional information that reflects your organisation’s reality is created and available in realtime. Operational data is automatically translated into 3-D accounting information, and financial statements by project and business centre in any accounting standard are available every morning.

Lovis Eos

All you need. We listen to our client’s problems and needs and incorporate solutions that benefit everyone. LOVIS EOS fully supports the specific needs of over 25 sectors and complies with the tax, accounting and language requirements of more than 11 countries.

Flowing. Improve communication and collaboration. Build your workflow profiles in minutes by combining functional, facility, geographical, entity-type and item-type roles via drag-and-drop. Function and data security is updated automatically to comply with risk matrices and clearance. Integrate beneficiaries, providers and other third parties to your LOVIS EOS. All around. Expand your reach. Connect LOVIS EOS to eCommerce, CRM, legacy ERP, IoT, Machine Learning, AI, BI and many other platforms in real-time via our APIs. We are constantly adding new connectors for you. Easily export and import data to and from other applications. In the air. Work the way you want. A native of the cloud, LOVIS EOS is accessible from any device, anywhere, anytime, with bank-grade security. Users bring their own devices; we take care of everything else with 99.5 per cent + full annual transactional availability and < 1/7 of the carbon footprint. The answer. Make the best decisions. LOVIS EOS includes hundreds of queries, reports and Business Intelligence (BI) tools, which end-users run, customise and create via DynaQube, our dynamic hypercube generator.

Fair. Be safe. Clear and transparent subscription per simultaneous session includes unlimited named users and what you need to run your organisation, no surprises.

We can help you build the certainty and simplicity to succeed and thrive.

lovis.com: Software Created for Humans L

Further Information


Building your team’s capability is probably in your top three priorities. We can help.

We specialise in helping managers turn into leaders and have done so for a range of business sectors. Our training features world-class subject experts, working directly with you. We create practical programmes with learning which sticks.

Coaching skills, leadership habits, communication, team-building, resilience, engagement and creativity are some of the areas we cover. Could your people improve in any of these areas?

Some recent feedback from our delegates:

“Really impressed, engaging, interactive and thought provoking. Even though we are so early in our journey with the leadership team, I can see already how it will transform my work and home life.”

“The training that is usually offered (that is within a budget), has more often than not left me uninspired and underwhelmed. I’ve always found it a shame that good quality training was often out of reach. However the Leadership Team course (which came in under budget) has so far been inspiring and given high-quality content. It has already given me tools I can actually use in my operational team and in my leadership team. I can’t recommend this course enough.”

Our programmes are delivered in real-time via Zoom: half-day interactive and engaging sessions, backed up with bespoke materials via our learning platform.

LT does not provide training, it provides education. Our education workshops have not been created by plagiarising from the books of experts - Leadership Team brings you the experts that wrote the books to lead our workshops.

Our programmes run over a 12month period to ensure that learnings are embedded. We are not a quickfix or tick-the-box organisation.

Our goal is to turn education into action. Only in this way do our programmes bring value to both the participants and the organisation. We believe ourselves to be relatively unique in creating a mechanism by which your organisation can measure the ROI of our programmes.

We engage with management teams rather than individuals, this ensures a common understanding, a common vocabulary and most importantly a common sense of purpose.

You can view a short video which explains our ethos, by clicking on the image below. L

Further Information

To find out more, please email us at focus@leadership-team.co.uk

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