1 minute read

Art, Mary Santi

The door comes open and I fly in — feet not even touching the floor. “What’s wrong,” he says. I don’t answer. I’m busy scanning the room for that lovely flowered wallet. My eyes could pick it up in a second, but it’s not in sight. I rip my coat off and throw it on the bed. I look at Alex, “I’ve been pick-pocketed,” I whisper and catapult myself onto the bed. I am just going to allow myself a huge temper tantrum before I get down to business. I kick, I scream, I cry out to the universe. I kick a bag off the bed and there it is. I would know it anywhere…my lovely flowered wallet full of all my “stuff.” I wouldn’t exactly call it a Christmas miracle, but for me it was close and it prompted me to know that my New Year’s resolution was to be: RESTRAINT.

Mary Santi

Volume 1, Issue 2 | Winter/Spring 2018 | THE BEACON 15