2 minute read

Thank you An Easter Reflection Ana Lisa de Jong

Presentation Sisters

Who we are


Living in these times of great uncertainty We dwell in possibility Faithful to the promise of the fullness of life.

“I have come that you may have life and have it to the full”. (John 10:10)

Called to live as consecrated women, we strive to witness to joyful, reflective, compassionate service, constantly calling ourselves to be aware of, and where possible to help those who find themselves on the edge, forgotten and neglected.

(An extract from the Vision Statement, of the Leadership Team, NE Province - August 2020).

“The quality of our presence, our prayerfulness, and the gift of our lives, are of untold value for Presentation life and mission” ~ Our Way of Life, C11.

We are sustained in our commitment by our contemplative practices, and our life and relationships in community.

Together with Presentation People everywhere, we continue to share in the dream of Nano Nagle (Founder of the Presentation Congregation) to:

Live Contemplatively ~ Walk Lightly on the Earth ~ Witness Prophetically

(Our Congregational Gathering, (CG2018).

Contact Us

Presentation Sisters North East Province (Ireland)

Presentation Provincialate Acorn Centre Warrenmount Blackpitts Dublin D08 W2X8

Phone: 01 416 6010 Fax: 01 416 5787

Email: secretary@presprone.com Web: www.presentationsistersne.ie

Social Media Links


@JoinPresentation Friends of Nano Group @WhatAboutTheBees

Words & Deeds

The motto inscribed on the Nagle family’s coat of arms was ‘Not Words But Deeds’. Nano Nagle and the Presentation People who followed her example have always taken these words to heart. This motto can be said to sum up almost two hundred and fifty hundred years of active ministry and mission as Presentation Sisters spread across Ireland, and eventually to other parts of the world. Wherever the Sisters went, they responded in practical ways to address the needs of those kept poor. They continue this outreach today. Presentation Sisters are currently present in 24 countries.

A change of name

We have changed the title of our Province Magazine to “Words & Deeds” which is rooted in this Nagle motto, as our Magazine is a place where ‘words’ are used to highlight and celebrate the ‘deeds’ of Presentation people in our Province and beyond.

Sharing Words & Deeds

If you have enjoyed reading this magazine, please feel free to share your copy with someone else who may not be familiar with the life of Presentation people. As a new reader, if this is your first contact with Presentation Sisters (North East Province) please also visit our website or follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram using the links on this page (these are already live and active on the Ecopy of this magazine by just clicking on the logos). The E-version of this quarterly magazine is also available to read online on our website.