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WA update

CHL welcomes state government social housing funding in May Budget

Community Housing Ltd Western Australia


welcomed the state government’s announcement in the May Budget to invest $551 million on social housing initiatives.

Community Housing Ltd Western Australia State Manager Sean Kelly said the funding was positive news for the whole sector and for regional towns in the state. “The introduction of any new housing into these areas at a time when so many people are struggling, is absolutely welcome.”

The peak body for the housing and homelessness sector, Shelter WA CEO Kath Snell, said the announcement was a much needed and welcome step towards addressing the housing crisis in Western Australia.

“We acknowledge this announcement today follows a number of recent initiatives by the Minister, including $23m to deliver 100 homes and support for people sleeping rough, in partnership with Housing Choices, and over $39 million in grants for the community housing sector and local governments to deliver over 158 new social housing homes,” Ms. Snell said.

“Investment of this scale provides certainty to our sector and community and will change lives.”