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of the FE solutions.

Fundamentals of Multibody Dynamics Simulation (3 sessions; 6-20 June)

This 3-session, live online course explains what you need to know to perform Multibody Simulation Analysis of systems and mechanisms. you will learn about the theoretical, numerical, and methodological background which will allow you to build your first Multibody Dynamic (MBD) models, and then progress to more complex ones. Examples are discussed in detail allowing you to understand not only model construction but how and why a given model has been built that way. The examples used will help illustrate the use of multiple commercial MBD software packages as concrete examples of applications of existing commercial technology.

Understanding Solid Mechanics: Stress Analysis Approaches (5 sessions; 8 June – 6 July)

This course is your starting point towards really understanding solid mechanics. You need to understand the basics to enable you to apply good practice in your finite element analysis, and this course will give you the knowledge you really need for a good understanding of the principles that every engineer or designer should know.

Elements of Turbulence Modeling (2 sessions; 9-16 June)

This 2-session, live online course will cover a range of topics including:

• Understanding turbulence, energy cascade & vortex stretching

• Turbulence scales, time averaging and closure problems

• Boussinesq hypothesis

• Various RANS-based models

• Wall treatment

• y+, Detached Eddy and hybrid models

Composite Finite Element Analysis (5 sessions; 15 June – 13 July)

This 5-session, live online course will cover a range of topics, all aimed at structural designers and engineers. The objective of this course is to break down the composite analysis process into clearly defined steps, give an overview of the physics involved and show how to successfully implement practical solutions using Finite Element Analysis.

Next Steps with Multibody Dynamics Simulation (3 sessions; 27 June – 11 July)

This 3-session course offers guidance on how to assess and plan the task of carrying out advanced Multibody Simulation Analysis of systems and mechanisms. By attending, you will build a theoretical, numerical and methodological background which will allow you to build advanced MBD models.

View the current course listing

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Agile and Requirements and Systems Engineering (RE/SE)

The relationship between Agile development methods and systems engineering disciplines, including requirements engineering (RE) and business analysis (BA), continues to be a topic of much interest. Two recent resources address this concern.

Why Your Agile Organization Needs A High-Performing Requirements Engineering Competency

A March 2023 post by Howard Podeswa in the Requirements Engineering Magazine sought to address the future of the RE and BA competencies and roles in organizations that are committed to use Agile development for both software and systems. Podeswa provided data that demonstrate that RE/BA is alive and well in many such organizations and highlighted the value-added by RE disciplines. The

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