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Standing at the gates looking at the mountainous scenery I notice that the view appears to be a seamless extension of the new brightly coloured mural beautifying the front of the club house, I can’t help but feel a sense of pride.

Darren Tsimpikas, the Calamvale Leopards Club President, walks over to greet me with a beaming smile and proudly directs me toward the front of the freshly painted building.

The club sits in what can be described as a multicultural electorate, so football represents much more to the community than just the game. Darren proudly said, “We have the ability to impact these kids in such a positive way, it’s not just kicking a ball. As a coach and even the club president it’s about teaching kids discipline, accountability, team work, consequences, great hand and eye coordination and how to lose. Having our kids’ walk off the field knowing they’ve given their all, that’s true sportsmanship and something we value for our players. We have 169 players, 60 Auskick and 20 Superstars, it’s a growing club, one that we are proud of.” When Darren first wrote a proposal for the project, he knew that colour selection would be an arduous task, as many personalities resonate with different colours and everyone has an opinion. Colour being so personal meant that we had to find a way to appeal to the masses. This was made easy by drawing inspiration from the club jersey and creating bespoke colours unique to the club using Coloursmith. When presenting to the committee it was a unanimous decision.

For me colour is everything, and for Darren and the club it would be fair to say colour now has a place very close to all of their hearts. Darren said, “There is a sense of pride and accomplishment in the community that stems from this refurbishment. The response from the players has been incredible.” Darren repeated on multiple occasions that, “this has been an honour and an experience that I will never forget. Painting the mural at the front of our building truly represents the club for what it really is. Having Brisbane Lions FC coming to assist was a memorable and honourable experience that is cemented within our community.”

As we make our way to the canteen to view the bold blue wall, Darren tells me about the filming of the ‘In It Together’ TV advertisement. “It was a very proud moment and it represents what we are as a club. I think that now when I go to buy a can of paint it means so much more to me, it’s not just a can of paint, it’s the friendships we have made throughout this project and I truly want to thank Taubmans for that, we truly are in it together!”

Fiona Dawson PPG Territory Manager & Colour Specialist

Mad Men does something additional with its colour palette, elevating the look and feel of its environment with a classy, subtle and distinctive blend of classic hues that may have been out of vogue for decades, but somehow look brilliant.