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Dave and Barb’s story is one which highlights the ongoing devastation these events had on the town, but also the hope which comes from coming together to support rebuilding efforts. This project is one Taubmans are proud to have supported. David and Barbara have dedicated their life to supporting their community. After living in Canberra they moved to the regional NSW town of Cobargo 10 years ago. They are active foster parents, Dave is an RFS Volunteer Firefighter and the local Santa! He dresses up every Christmas and takes his sleigh out, bringing joy to local kids.

They sadly lost their home in the bushfires which struck the town on New Year’s Day 2020. The impacts on their family were felt deeply, but with generous support from Madeline and Jeremy at Breathe Architecture there was hope – as the team supported them to design and build their new home.

The new build is a modest, sustainable, carbon neutral house, where colour has been harnessed to personalise the family’s interior spaces and bring the home to life. Rachel Lacy, Taubmans Chief Coloursmith, collaborated with Dave, Barb and their children to create a total of fifteen unique paint colours for their home using Coloursmith.

The colours in the home tell a family story, and will be enjoyed for years to come.