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FITNESS inspired

It’s that time of year again! e new year has everyone thinking about the future and what they want from the upcoming years of their life. For so many of us, our goals for the future involve the wealth that is strong health, and tness is a key piece of that picture. Of course, no matter how good your intentions are to exercise more and become more t this year, it can be di cult to get started or to keep yourself moving through the years. As a tness coach, I know that struggle well, and I’m here to help you through it. Let’s get inspired to be t together and talk about some of the ways you can make that happen this year.

e Role of Inspiration in Fitness You’ve probably heard time and time again that getting t is a matter of motivation and willpower. In reality, that’s only true to a point. Inspiration plays a part in tness, but it isn’t everything.

Getting inspired to become more t is a fantastic catalyst for your tness journey. No matter what it is that’s inspiring you to invest in yourself and your tness, the motivation will eventually fade. e key is using your inspiration initially to launch a tness routine. When working out becomes part of your regular daily life, just like doing the dishes or taking a shower, it will become something you do without thinking because it’s simply a part of your routine.

Fitness Tips to Jumpstart the New Year

Kicking o a new tness journey in the new year but not sure how to get started? I’ve got you covered. Use these tips to set yourself up for success.

1. Don’t Try to Go Too Far Too Soon

You probably see people in your life or in your Instagram feed who are working out for hours every day or who have abs for days, and you think, “I can do that too.” You’re absolutely right, you can do that too, but not overnight.

Start small and work your way up. You don’t need to become a workout fanatic to be t and healthy – you can just start with 30 minutes a few times a week. Taking it slow will help you to get into a routine without feeling overwhelmed and it will also help you avoid injuries.

2. Turn Fitness into a Group or Family Activity

You’re more likely to stick to a workout routine if you’re doing it alongside someone else. You have someone who supports you (and vice versa) and who makes you feel more accountable.

Try planning family workouts or exercising with a friend or two. As an added bonus, this makes your workout more fun too!

3. Find Your Own Inspiration

Everyone is inspired by di erent ideas and thoughts. Maybe you’re inspired by envisioning the way you want your body to look, imagining enjoying a long life into old age with your spouse and kids, or repeating a speci c mantra for yourself. It’s di erent for everyone, so gure out what it is that inspires you to get t and nd a way to access that inspiration when you need it.

Empowering Your Fitness in the New Year

Any day can be the day you start a new tness journey and begin on the road to better health, and that includes today. When you feel inspired to get t, take advantage of that opportunity and start creating a tness routine that will last. is is your year!

Byline: e focus of Glamour Girl Fitness has expanded from just the individual mom to the mom and child/children. e birthing of the Glamour Girl Fitness‘’ Mommy & Me “motivational program which helps to motivate, inspire and keep moms accountable. Promoting her message of “FAMILY, FUN, and FELLOWSHIP through FITNESS”

Jackie Madison CEO Glamour Girl Fitness,Inc. (404) 274-7586



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