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Health & Beauty: Featuring Personal Trainer, Kayln Kyler

Story & Photos by Stacie Hobbs, City of Ponca City Employee / Aquatic, Fitness & Community Event Coordinator

This month, I wanted to feature an incredibly talented individual who gives her time to several projects around our community as well as invests in the health and wellness of people! Kalyn Kyler began volunteering as a fitness instructor in 2014 after having her third daughter. It didn’t take long for Kalyn to grow in her craft; she soon realized that she could contribute to her community through expanding her education first. After a lot of hard work, she became a certified personal trainer in February 2017 from the International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA). Her certification allows her to work with people of all ages, from children to seniors. I asked Kalyn a few questions about a few of her experiences to better understand her viewpoint of health, fitness, and relationships with people.

STACIE: “What’s it like to teach others how to exercise?”

KALYN: “I love teaching because I get to celebrate the victories right alongside my clients and press in through their troubles. In my early morning class - we all feed off of each other about what our goals are! We talk about everything from what we cook in our kitchens to what plans we have for the weekend… sometimes that means we will have to work hard to make up for our fun! Seriously, my job is so fun and rewarding! A bit of perspective though- so many people want immediate gratification for very little work. Unfortunately, that just isn’t the way to get results. Consistency is everything – and that’s why I’m here to help!”

STACIE: “What’s your style of encouragement?”

KALYN: “Oh, I am a talker! I really try to emphasize to my clients just WHY they are moving the way I am asking them to. WHY form is so important! It’s also so important that they know WHAT they are trying to accomplish with the prescribed movement. There are reasons behind each movement. Having intentional movement is necessary mentally and physically. If you want to reach your goals, you have to understand the whole gamut.”

STACIE: “What motivates you personally? How do you handle being a mom, a business owner, a community advocate and volunteer, and still have time to make your health a priority?”

KALYN: “I am pushed by my group of workout friends just as they are pushed by me. Those 5 classes a week are MY workout as well. I don’t have time to come back to the gym for another hour each day to do what I want to do. For those out there who are all of the things above and more, you have time to dedicate to yourself. You just have to figure out where that time in your day is. Mine is 5AM. I am up at 4:40AM to make it to the gym to teach at 5:15AM. Then I stay for the first 30 minutes of another class-Fitness Boxing. I am home by 6:45AM to wake my kids, shower, and get ready for work. It is a total whirlwind most mornings, but it’s all I’ve got. Use that time wisely. (P.S. - I am NOT a morning person either!)”

STACIE: “Is there anything you recommend NOT doing when starting a fitness routine?”

KALYN: “Start slow and build up. You will be tired. You will be sore. Trying to jump out there and make it to the gym 5-7 days a week is a lot when you’re first starting out. It gets overwhelming and you start feeling like it’s too much. Start with 2-3 days a week and see how that works out for you for a while. Then reassess. In fitness, it’s all about routine and reassessment.”

STACIE: “Do you have any tips for those wanting to begin a fitness routine but don’t know where to begin?”

KALYN: “Come to a group fitness class or hire a trainer. I know it is intimidating at first, but you really learn so much from the instructors and from yourself! There are perks of hiring a personal trainer vs group fitness class. A trainer gives you results quicker because the workouts are made specifically for you and your goals. And a personal trainer tracks your measurements and weight/fat loss for you, where a group instructor does not. But both are incredible options to have when you’re first starting out.”

STACIE: “What’s your number one recommendation to those who want to achieve a goal?”

KALYN: “You have to commit to yourself to show up and put the work in. Set small, realistic goals to hit along the way. Hitting a small goal on your journey to the big goal is a huge confidence booster to yourself and validation for the work you have been putting in!”

Kalyn has been a major asset to our community in health, wellness, and motivation. She’s an incredible, knowledgeable, and relatable resource for all things “Life” because she just understands! Reach out to her if you have questions about your health journey!