2 minute read

Kevin’s Corner: Stock Market News

Story by Johnny O’Hare CEO/Cherokee Strip Credit Union

Hi. I’m Kevin. I know I’m just a dog, but I may be the most awesome one that ever lived. My human Momma says that very thing to everyone she meets, and she knows some smart things for sure. Like how to buy my favorite peanut butter treats on AMAZON, and when to yell at my big sausage of a sister Bridget before she sticks her cold snout in my dinner bowl.

While Momma is pretty smart, I know some things too. I pretend to be asleep in Dad’s big leather chair while they talk about financial stuff, but my hearing is really good. And even though I’m only 12 pounds of pure terror, I bet my brain is about 100 pounds. You would think a dog doesn’t care about money, because I have no pockets or a wallet. But I like to shred every new toy the day it arrives, so I want to be sure Momma can keep paying for my very bad habits.

Right now, I know that market interest rates are at historic lows, and people like the Federal Reserve who decide such things say that rates will probably stay low through at least 2021. To earn a little bit more, many people have invested recently in the stock market, whose value went way down when the bad virus hit, but has bounced back up to new daily highs. While the stock market value jumps up and down a lot, the average returns in stocks over the long run are some of the best you can get. But even I know you don’t want all your treats in one basket. For most families, keeping about 10% in emergency cash at your favorite credit union or bank, another 30% in bonds or CD’s, and the last 60% in stocks is a great way to make more money while still having time to dive into the biggest mud puddle you can find right after a bath. Dad says I have to say each person’s financial situation is different, so always consult your own financial expert or tax advisor, rather than rely solely on the advice of a dog – even one as crafty as me.

I saw a big shadow the other day when I was outside keeping squirrels away. Momma said it was an eagle, and that he could swoop down and take me if I didn’t stop wagging my frosty white tail high in the air. I’m not scared at all, so now she brings an old broom handle on our backyard patrols. I jumped over that big stick and hurt my leg, but I’ll be okay.

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