2 minute read

Adult Book Review

By Peter Swanson

When Malcolm Kershaw was a young bookseller working at Old Devils Bookstore, a mystery bookstore in Boston, he wrote his first piece for the store’s blog. His post, entitled “Eight Perfect Murders,” were his choices for “the cleverest, the most ingenious, the most foolproof murders in crime fiction history.” Mal added that these eight books were not his favorite mysteries, nor did he think they were the best. They were just the ones in which the murderer came closest to pulling off a perfect murder.

Fast-forward to present day. Malcolm is now a widower and the owner of Old Devils Bookstore. One stormy winter day, he receives a phone call and subsequently a visit from FBI Agent Gwen Mulvey. She believes she has found a correlation between some unsolved murders and Malcolm’s “Eight Perfect Murders” list from back in 2004. Of course, Malcolm’s first thought is that he is a suspect, but Agent Mulvey soothes him, saying he isn’t an official suspect. Rather, she would like Malcolm to provide insight as to why he chose those eight particular murders for his list and just what it was that made them “perfect.” Additionally, she is hoping Malcolm might be able to link a few other recent unsolved crimes to his list. Agent Mulvey is following a hunch that the same person has committed the murders she has tied to Mal’s list and, moreover, that they are deliberately imitating the murders on the list.

Malcolm begins to worry – Is the perpetrator trying to get his attention? Does the killer know him? Does he know the killer? How well do they know each other? What does he want from Malcolm? Are Malcolm’s friends and employees in danger? I refuse to spoil the book. Read it and enjoy!

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