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Health & Beauty

Healthy Mentalities

Story by Kera Kester, NASM Certified Personal Trainer/Contributing Writer

HEALTH &Beauty

FINALLY, the month of World Mental Health Day has arrived! I love this day for many reasons; mainly because of the great reminder it is for perspective and re-centering. The mind is an infinitely powerful tool and catalyst for all that we do and say. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that we master self-awareness and reach for truth in all areas of life.

As a fitness trainer, I aim to understand different mindsets of my clientele; this can make or break the whole operation. Each year that I delve into the complexities of the minds of my clients, I find at least two or three common lines of thought. Here are three topics that must be discussed when it comes to mental health. Our Image:

No matter who we are, appearance has at one point been a factor in our decision making. It is why we try on clothes before we buy them, for example. However, there can be a point to where it becomes too extreme, leading to depression, isolation or even anorexia. Additionally, it can lead to unhealthy byproducts of comparison, such as arrogance. Here is the truth – your looks are not the most important or beautiful attribute about you. You have so much more to offer than the size of your glutes or the positioning of your facial features. Photoshopped pictures and the likes have done a number on the values of our culture. However, exercise and healthy dieting are most beneficial when used to prevent or improve undesirable symptoms like disease, rather than determine whether we love ourselves. You have every right to feel great about yourself because of your delightful characteristics you’ve developed and the beautiful image you were already created in! There is something magical that happens when you and others value what goes beyond physical appearance! Dieting:

Many people expect me to give them an overly restrictive diet plan, feed them this year’s hot diet fad or make them go cold turkey altogether. This is not necessary and can even become dangerous to a point. I believe in whole foods and reading ingredients because it properly fuels our bodies and cleans out impurities; our bodies more easily fight off or avoid disease. Here is the good news – you don’t need to cut out all sugar and carbs to do this. These products have become “enemies,” when they actually help our brains and bodies. Now, is it best to use coconut sugar instead of high fructose corn syrup? Absolutely. Is it best to eat a piece of whole wheat bread with peanut butter and honey, rather than a Hostess cupcake? Absolutely. But your diet is a lifestyle, and no one will stick with a lifestyle choice that makes them feel overly restricted every single day. If you are just starting out, try switching out simple refined carbs with complex carbs first. Then add in two cups of vegetables to your daily intake. Try the 80/20 rule. Little healthy steps can turn into big leaps really fast and, before you know it, you’ll love the energy you have and begin to crave edifying products. Food is a great equalizer and unifying joy – yes, you are free to enjoy it!


We feed what we choose to reflect on. If we focus on how much we hate a part of ourselves, then we won’t master self-love. If we focus on a step we’ve achieved, we will carry a sense of gratitude and be better equipped to love others properly. Am I proposing we ignore all mistakes and faults as if they don’t exist? No. But after we become self-aware and find helpful solutions – we must dwell on the positives. A good way to have a positive mentality is to start each morning with a journal entry of what you are thankful for. Another option is taking a moment to sit still and consider what you enjoy about the people you’ve been blessed to meet or get to know. We can’t pretend there are no downsides or disappointments in life. However, we can consciously choose gratitude and engage to build good relationships with the community around us! There is nothing like a healthy state of mind. We see benefits from this in our emotions, relationships and jobs, to name a few. Guard your mental state with all you’ve got. Edify it with exercise therapy, community, prayer or whatever you can find to feed your mind with love and truth! I am always here to take your questions or be a friendly face and support system! My hope is that you take life on with a mind and heart full of love, peace and joy!