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The Amazing Capabilities Of The Core

HEALTH &Beauty

The Amazing Capabilities Of The Core

Story by Kera Kester, NASM Certified Personal Trainer/Contributing Writer

Your abs are not Your body is amazing! You may have some contrary just one big muscle thoughts at times, but I need you to know the block in the center truth in my statement. Put aside your perceptions of your body. on your level of physical attractiveness for a moment and think on this. You function in that body daily. It allows you to move, to engage life as well as others and it does a great job of protecting you. Furthermore, what is especially worth appreciating? The amazing capabilities of the core! “But Kera, have you seen my core?” Stop right there. It is amazing! There is so much more to it than how flat it can look or how well it can resemble a “pack of coke cans,” as Lauren Mazzo would say. I will tell you why!

When I think of “strong core,” I think of Sharon Stone. Total Recall anybody? That movie is one of my favorites! Of course, one would assume that this is due to her great shape and drive as a gym rat. However, my take on putting those two together is even more of an inspirational cause. In the 1990s, Stone was in a car accident driving along Sunset Boulevard. A car was driving on the wrong side of the road and hit her head on. She dislocated her jaw, sprained her back, twisted her knee and broke one of her ribs. This is where it gets good. It is said that the doctor’s statement to her was this – “Had you not developed a strong core, I don’t see how you would ever be able to walk again.” Due to her discipline and wisdom in strengthening her core and back, she was put in a back brace and bedridden for six months before walking again!

This story speaks so much truth about the importance of your core. Some out there consider it your most important muscle group. This is your central support system for everything you do. It helps you balance, lift, bend over, maintain good posture and all of the other mechanics you need in order to function daily. It assumes a dominant role for movement in every plane of motion – frontal (left and right), transverse (rotational) and sagittal (forward and backward). Every other part of your body, like your hips, shoulders, back and knees, is protected by the support it gives. It is even involved while you sleep, aiding in your breathing or turning from one side to the other. Now that we’ve established its dominance and necessity, let me break it down for you a little more!

Your abs are not just one big muscle block in the center of your body. There are layers to your core’s abdominal muscles. The transverse abdominis is the deepest and stabilizes your spine and pelvis. Next, you have two oblique muscles that allow bending, rotation and other spinal and back movements. The rectus abdominis is the top layer and is the desired six-pack muscle. You use the rectus abdominis in movements like a crunch or hollow hold. These are not even all of the muscles involved in your whole core! We haven’t even touched on your back muscles, diaphragm and pelvic floor muscles – all of which help you stay straight during a plank, for example. Isn’t the body so complex and interesting?

Whenever my clients ask me where to begin, I always tell them “definitely make strengthening your core a top priority.” It is crucial and a great starting point for strengthening every other muscle in your body.

Start with body weight before adding dumbbells or kettlebells. How you use and progress your muscles are just as important as using them at all. Start with exercises like planks or squats then progress to farmer’s carries or weighted leg raises. I want to see you live strong and injury-free so be patient with yourself! Never be ashamed of where you start. Greatness takes development and time! I am so proud of you for any decision you have made to begin or progress your fitness lifestyle! Keep it up and remember “a strong core, allows for so much more!” Bless you all!