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1.7 Reasons to make this study and select this topic

1.7 Reasons to make this study and select this topic

Thousands of tourists and citizens who visit every year the central axis of Tirana, have different cultural backgrounds. They see buildings and works of architectural heritage, and often, unless they are architects or engineers, they manage to penetrate the style, elegance and architecture of these buildings. They have read about the city, the history, they go to visit it, they are in front of this part of the city heritage. In the multitude of problems of the city today, government and local policies, the transformation of the city into a metropolis, new constructions, reconstructions and additions have made professionals in the fields of engineering and architecture or others unable to penetrate, in true elegance and value of these objects, fail to perceive how they were and in what forms the original objects were, or even the urban planning of the surrounding area which has changed completely. They come out almost disappointed by the visit to the city. A tour guide or an application is not enough to make understandable the form that the architectural works of the city have had, mainly of the period 1920-1940.


In this way, almost all the architectural and historical value of the city is lost, and consequently our culture and national heritage. One aspect that would help a lot in the accurate study of these heritage objects, is their 3D-dimensional modeling digitally with engineering methods. structural analysis looking also at theories of architectural restoration or digital, virtual reconstruction.

Such cases are similar in the history of engineering but also of restoration architecture. 3D dimensions of architectural works of historical heritage or of the cities themselves. But to achieve such engineering models and architectural reconstructions requires a good historical and typological study of the buildings and the city itself, research on materials, facades and archival projects, the study of analogous cases and typologies in other countries, mainly Italy, but also the Balkan context. Only after it becomes complete and based on factual material and historical data, can we allow ourselves to reach formal deductions and engineering models for the shape of the buildings and for their structural condition today.

The other reason is related to the necessity to study the architectural aspect of the buildings, especially those that have been little studied, but keeping it related to the engineering context and structural performance, emphasizing that in previous studies the structural issue has not been addressed. these objects.

Thus, following this logical flow, we found the reason for an in-depth research and comparative work to study some key typologies built in Tirana by Italian designers, and to theoretically investigate the principles used in design and construction as well as the structural performance of objects. selected. Through this study we want to show that the typological architectural study, coupled with the engineering and seismic context should precede and become the basis for their 3d virtual modeling.