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The Last Shift

For the full version of The Last Shift, go to PASAweb at www.pasa.asn.au

Steve Atkinson

Andrew Ausserlechner

Darren Connell

Mark Fairney

Darryl Foyle

Jack Gale

Gary Goodwin

Louise Manhire

Patina Pearson

Christine Petts

John Rodgers

Shelley Rogers

Gordon Scott

Grant Sivewright

Mark Walker-Roberts

Sergeant Andrew “Aussie” Ausserlechner

Mount Barker general patrols

39 years’ service Last Day: 30.09. 22


“The job to me has never been mundane Having spent most of my career on the front line, including 17 years as on-call negotiator, I experienced many memorable events working alongside members of Star Ops and general patrols

“Some incredible people and a great team environment with a sprinkling of many interesting and equally memorable villains and victims.

“I loved serving my community, including 25 years as a Neighbourhood Watch co-ordinator

“My last few years of service consisted of border secondments and the unforgettable 2019-20 Adelaide Hills and Kangaroo Island bushfires

I felt honoured to serve these local communities during these major events

“The inter-agency co-operation at these emergencies was nothing short of amazing and, as a result, I never underestimate how many lives were saved owing to our response.

“My teammates and staff, particularly at Mount Barker, have a wonderful work ethic and attitude.

“I thank the most important people in my life: my wife, children and grandchildren My wife has been a rockstar, raising our children, one of whom is carving out his own SAPOL career

“There were way too many weekends, night shifts, Christmas days, Easter weekends, New Year’s and family and kids’ sports events I was unable to attend, leaving my wife to do the heavy lifting I am forever grateful.

“Thanks again to the Police Association for supporting your members.

“Thank you (SAPOL members) for your dedicated service and I wish you all the best in the future ”

Senior Constable Jack Gale Security Response Section

12 years’ service Last Day: 08 01 23


“I am starting with SAMFS on January 9. Thank you for your assistance over the past 12 years. ”

Inspector Mark Walker-Roberts

Eastern District Duty Inspectors

38 years’ service Last Day: 06.02 . 23


“I thank Mark Carroll and committee members for their sterling work over the years There is simply not enough space here to adequately acknowledge the amount of association work, passion and advocacy, from defending and supporting members to providing us with excellent EA conditions and pay

“The EA made almost 20 years ago created a mid-point wage concept that ensured members would always be appropriately acknowledged within Australian police jurisdictions

“It only seems like yesterday that members were marching down King William St to parliament in search of better pay and conditions

“I acknowledge members of Course 6/84 and pay my respects to two of our late members, Mick Nasalik and Mick Koerner Both fine people and excellent officers who will never be forgotten

“I acknowledge all those members who responded to, and were involved in, a high- risk incident at Nurioopta in March 1994 when our colleague Derrick McManus was shot 14 times by an offender.

“As Derrick lay seriously injured, that gunman fired more than 2,000 rounds at police who had surrounded the farmhouse thus preventing any safe rescue

“Eventually, police entered the property under heavy gunfire and Derrick, barely alive, was rescued and able to receive medical treatment, eventually making a full recovery

“Those brave acts of valour by everyone involved, on both inner and outer cordons, commanders, STARies, GD, detectives and support staff, as well as the medical retrieval team, contributed to Derrick’s life being saved.

“Extreme incidents like that bring out the very best in police as a team

I am proud to have been a part of that

“Many members, both sworn and unsworn, require my gratitude for making my time in SAPOL happy and exciting I simply thank all of you I have had the pleasure of working with

“Last, I thank my family for being supportive of my career and putting up with me through the highs and lows. ”