2 minute read

10 Questions With One Alum

Gerardo Mancilla ’13

1. What made you decide to attend Point?

I decided to attend Point because I wanted to grow in my faith

2. What’s one thing that really makes your day?

I love mornings when I get to hang out with my wife and kids. I typically wake up early and have a time of silence and solitude. Then both my kids wake up and we get Morgan’s coffee ready, then we sit and watch one of their shows.

3. What do you value in your friends?

I value that they encourage me through all seasons. They have always supported me and held me accountable.

4. What’s one item on your bucket list?

This is a good one, and I have a few: visit every Major League Baseball stadium, run a full marathon, visit Italy with Morgan and do Paul’s journey.

5. Cats, dogs or house plants?

Easy: dogs!

6. Who’s one person from Point who made a lasting impact on your life?

There are too many to choose from: Mr. Huxford, Dr. Carey, Dr. Mac, Dr. Strother, Mrs. Donna, Dr. Donovan, Dr. Blackburn, and the list could go on. Each of these people loved and encouraged me. I am forever grateful for their investment in me, in and out of the classroom. Some I still have breakfast with to this day!

7. What are you especially enjoying reading, watching or listening to right now?

I’m reading Gene Edwards’ The Prisoner in the Third Cell and A Tale of Three Kings, and I’m watching Jack Ryan

8. What’s a favorite Bible verse or passage?

Romans 12:12: “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.”

9. What is your favorite Point memory?

Dorm Wars 2011 — too many stories! The 2010 National Championships [ed. note: Mancilla played on the baseball team], and the winter shutdown of 2011.

10. What does Point’s mission of service and leadership for Christ mean to you?

I’m grateful to have seen it through many faculty and staff’s lives, as well as allowing us to grow into it.

Mancilla is outreach and family life minister at MC3 Church (formerly Mt. Carmel Christian Church) in Lilburn, Georgia, where his emphasis is on evangelism and discipleship. He and his wife, Morgan Tyler Mancilla ’13, were married in 2014 and have two young children, Cruz and Camila.