2 minute read

About the Commencement Speaker

Cliff Rash is a native of Kilmichael, Mississippi. After graduating high school, he joined the United States Army, where he worked in the electronic field as a land combat missile technician. His military career allowed him to serve in a variety of U.S. states, as well as in Hanau, Germany; Camp Casey, Korea, with several deployments to Kuwait after Operation Desert Storm; Bosnia, in response to the Bosnian War; and Iraq, after September 11.

Rash retired from the U.S. Army as a sergeant first class in March 2014, after more than 23 years of service. He earned a bachelor’s degree in Christian ministries from Point in 2016, then a master’s degree in transformative ministry in 2021. He currently serves as care pastor at the Henderson campus of Compassion Christian Church in Savannah, Georgia. Rash and his wife, Donna, whom he met while serving in the Army, have been married almost 23 years. Donna also earned a bachelor’s degree in Christian ministries from Point in 2016. They have three children: Tatjuana, Roshanna and Joshua. Roshanna and Joshua are both graduating from Point today.

Graduation Honors

Students who earn a grade point average of 3.500 through 3.699 are graduated cum laude, 3.700 through 3.899 are graduated magna cum laude, and 3.900 through 4.000 are graduated summa cum laude. Associate degree graduates receiving these honors are identified with silver tassels and silver honor cords. Bachelor's degree graduates receiving these honors are identified with gold tassels and gold honor cords. Blue honor cords indicate student-athletes who are graduating with honors. Red, white and blue cords indicate the student is a veteran. Red and green cords denote members of Beta Beta Beta Biological Honor Society, and silver and navy cords denote members of Omega Nu Lambda Honor Society for online students.

The Hathcock Award is the highest honor Point University awards to a student graduating with a bachelor's degree. This recognition is based on academic achievement, character, and servant leadership.

Academic Dress

The academic dress worn by the Point University faculty today originated in the Middle Ages and was standardized in 1895. The gown indicates the level of the highest degree held: for bachelors, the black gown with flowing, pointed sleeves; for masters, the black gown with sleeves slit midway for the arms and the sleeve bottom closed flat with a semicircle cut in the side; for doctors, the flowing robe with sleeves closed at the wrist. Sleeve decorates are chevrons of velvet, most often black on black, but occasionally of another color, indicating the general field of study.

Most identification is noted by the hoods. Velvet edging indicates the subject matter in which the degree was earned. The lining of the hood is a precise code identifying the university of the degree’s origin.

If the highest degree was attained in the United Kingdom or Europe, academic gown and hood styles do not fit a standard pattern and are determined, rather, by the degree-granting university. Generally, these can be identified by an open front and a colored hood which designates the degree earned.

About Point University

Founded in 1937 as Atlanta Christian College, Point University is preparing students to influence culture for Christ in all spheres of life. Point University’s purpose is to equip students to take their faith into the marketplace in new and culturally relevant ways — to erase the lines between who they are and what they do so that they see life and mission as one and the same.

With deep gratitude, the Point University community acknowledges the generosity of Unity Baptist Church for the use of these facilities.