1 minute read
from OEM Summer 2023
As an OEM, you know building agile equipment is key to keeping up with customer‘s packaging needs and creating new business opportunities.
/DVHUSURFHVVLQJV\VWHPVDGGWKH³H[LELOLW\ needed to stand out from the crowd. Novanta offers key laser processing components, unique SUHVDOHWHVWLQJDQGV\VWHPFRQ²JXUDWLRQ services for OEMs to cut, perforate, score, drill, PDUNDQGFRGHZLWKIDUPRUH³H[LELOLW\ tack?” offering cybersecurity best practices. Turn to page 28 to find out how to combat the biggest threat to your organization.
Summertime also means PACK EXPO Las Vegas is right around the corner. OEM contributor Matt Neuberger offers advice on how to bring your unique sales experience to the show. These tips are pulled directly from the new PMMI Certified Technical Sales Professional program which you can learn more about on page 14
Finally, we’ve hit a major milestone as PMMI celebrates its 90th anniversary. Jim Pittas reflects on the history of the association since it began in July of 1933 in his Final Thoughts column.
So, while we here at PMMI are not slowing down this summer, I certainly hope you are reading these articles while relaxing by the pool!