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PMMI’s Many Summer Projects

The lazy days of summer do not apply here at PMMI where there are so many things happening—and we’re giving you just a glimpse here in the pages of OEM magazine.

First, every packaging OEM will need to become familiar with the updated ANSI/PMMI B155.1 Safety Requirements for Packaging and Processing Machinery standard. The revised version of the standard adds new requirements for co-packers and co-manufacturers, as well as new requirements for machine builders as it relates to remote operations and cybersecurity. Flip to page 32 to learn more.

In other news, the Organization for Machine Automation and Control (OMAC) established a Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) Task Force which launches in June. The group aims to deliver information for technical and managerial roles as it relates to compliance with the European Union CRA which addresses the surge in cyber attacks on hardware and software. Read more on page 8.

To that end, PMMI IT and OT experts contributed to our cover story “How Close Is Your Next Cyber At-

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