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Nonprofit Name: Gateway Rehab

Mission: “To help all affected by addictive diseases to be healthy in body, mind, and spirit. “

What impact does your organization wish to make in the world?

Substance use disorder is a complex brain disease that affects over 20 million Americans a year; often referred to as a family disease. For every one person struggling with addiction, three close individuals are directly impacted. Substance use disorder is chronic, relapsing and remitting, but it is also treatable, yet only 10% of those struggling with the disease receive treatment. Recovery from substance use disorders is not a linear process. Like many chronic illnesses, multiple factors play a role in the achievement of leading a life free of addiction. By changing the way addiction is perceived, Gateway Rehab hopes to increase accessibility, educate families on the importance of evidence-based treatment for loved ones, and advocate for acceptance of all roads to sustained wellness. Gateway Rehab is committed to making an ever-lasting impact on families and communities.

What needs would help your organization to put your mission into action?

In day-to-day operations, a great challenge is caring for patients who come to residential treatment with minimal to no belongings. Personal hygiene items and appropriate clothing allow a patient to comfortably function throughout the treatment process. Our organization accepts donations of items throughout the year to assist those in need. Additionally, Gateway Rehab offers a variety of program enhancements to improve engagement and retention of patients. Holistic, therapeutic options include music counseling, art counseling, adventure-based counseling, equine therapy, and the boxing academy. These program enhancements operate thanks in large part to the generosity of donors. Programs such as these not only provide alternative outlets for therapeutic expression but also support sustained wellness.

Information/donation contact: Gateway Rehab is a private, 501(c)3 nonprofit or ganization serving the Pittsburgh region since 1972. Gateway's philosophy was founded on the principle that addiction is a chronic, yet treatable medical condition. Operating under a person-first framework, all who come through Gateway’s doors will be treated with respect, dignity, and worth. Gateway Rehab’s team can be trusted to provide the right care, for the right reasons, and to reinvest any revenue back into programs and services. For more information and ways to donate: https:// www.gatewayrehab.org/resources/get-involved/donate-now