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CSSA celebrates Chinese New Year in festival

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Intersecting with the performances were participation games. Anything from Kahoot quizzes about Spring Festival to “Drawing Guessing” — similar to charades — guessing the songs and a raffle to tie up the night. The prizes were red envelopes with money inside, typically given to children by older relatives to wish them to grow up smart and strong. Although lacking the same cultural value, the raffle prizes were won in monetary value with a 4K Samsung TV so big it had to be shipped to the winner.


Other performances included a solo song of “The Wind Keeps Blowing,” originally sung by the late and great Leslie Cheung, carried out by performer Lianghui Huang, a Ph.D. candidate in comparative literature. A slow, emotional and chill performance, it is a perfect homage to anyone who grew up with it. Following this was a flute and piano duet by performers Naomi Pan, a junior majoring in business administration, and Huanmu

Xu, a junior double-majoring in psychology and sociology.

The most anticipated performances were perhaps the Traditional Chinese Clothes Show and the traditional Beijing Opera. The clothing show was similar to a fashion catwalk, with each model presenting different silhouettes, accessories and props. Linghui Tu, professor and Chinese director of the Confucius Institute Chinese Opera at BU, brought the final performance. She performed an excerpt named “The Drunken Beauty,” which included both sophisticated choreography and powerful singing, in full opera gear and make-up. It was a great sendoff for the night.

Zuer Wu, president of Chinascope and a junior majoring in biochemistry, shared her thoughts after the event.

“It has been more than four years since we had our last Spring Festival Gala,” Wu said. “It not only helps Chinese international students to alleviate the nostalgic feeling but also introduces Chinese New Year to local students.”

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