1 minute read


Programs, Comments After His Guilty Verdict in the Attempted Assassination of Alabama Governor and Democratic Presidential Candidate George C. Wallace, Part 1

-- [The prosecutor] tells me he'd like society to be protected from someone like me. – Bremer’s Statement at His Sentencing


“Like me. ” As in, me. Like means similar to, nearly the same as.

God help you is all I can say. I don’t know another like me, but neither does the next guy, the next guy, the next.

We all swirl, riding the tornadoes of our own fury through our towns, our shopping centers, our theaters and hotel lobbies.

We’re watching The Brady Bunch: Here's the story of a man named Brady, Who was screwing up / three boys on his own, They were four men living all together, Yet they were all alone.

And now we ’ re viewing Gunsmoke, but it’s really about Miss Kitty. We’re eating frozen chicken dinners.

Dad snaps off the set: it’s time for bed. But nobody moves. The tubes need to cool, white dot evaporate.

It could take five, ten minutes.