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The Presbyterian Home for Children hosted its third Sweet Home Soirée on May 11 for Huntsville and its second Soirée for Mobile on June 22.

Attendees enjoyed a fun evening of live music and fellowship while helping us raise funds to support the mission of the Home as well as our fully accredited Ascension Leadership Academy.


The Huntsville Soirée was held at Von Braun Center and honored the Presbyterian Women of the North Alabama Presbytery while the Mobile Soirée was hosted at the Country Club of Mobile and honored the Presbyterian Women of the Presbytery of South Alabama. Presbyterian Women were honored for their coming together to raise the funds needed to form the Presbyterian Home for Children 155 years ago and providing unwavering support ever since.

“Each Soirée gives the Home the opportunity to recognize and honor individuals and organizations who have given so much to help the precious ones entrusted to our care,” said Doug Marshall, President and CEO of the Home.

Money raised at both Soirées in addition to the Birmingham Soirée in March all went toward the purchase of a nice preowned SUV so our Family Bridges Program staff can safely travel to homes to check on children who live in various rural terrains of the seven-county area we serve. We also raised funds in Mobile to begin replacing 10-year-old textbooks at Ascension Leadership Academy.

The Soirées featured a plated dinner, jazzy live music, silent auction, and competitive live auctions. The live auctions were conducted by Terri Walker, AL lic. # 1233, who is one of the country’s leading female auctioneers and works alongside her auctioneer husband Lance Walker. Walker Auctions specializes in benefit auctions. Talented saxophonist Jerry Robbins entertained the crowd with a full repertoire of hits.

At each Soirée, attendees experienced a video sharing stories from alumni who gave testimonials of how their time in the Home’s care shaped each of their lives for the better.

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