2 minute read

Enrichment - Adult

Writer’s Workshop

Dusting off that trunk novel, or staring at a blank page? Whether you’ve never written a novel before, or are stuck in the middle of one, JJM Czep will guide you to your writing goals Learn tips and tricks to completing a project and paths to take once it’s done! Open sharing of work is strongly encouraged Please bring printed or digitally sharable copies of works to be shared as well as notebook or laptop for exercises

Fee $55 Res / $64 Non-Res

Course # 75160

When Mon , S ept 18; 6 - 7:30 p m (6 classes)

Age 15+

Location Rio Vista Recreation Center

Instructor Jen Czepiel

Sustainable University

Container Gardening

Irrigation Repair

Does your irrigation system need a little TLC to get back into efficient operation? In this class we will walk through the most common irrigation repairs to help you get your landscape and water systems back in the green


Course # 75113

When Sat , D ec 2 ; 9:30 - 11 a m (1 class)

Age 15+

Location Rio Vista Recreation Center

Low Maintenance Desert Yards

To set up an account:

(623) 773-7137 Mon. - Thur.: 7 a.m. - 6 p.m.

For more class information www.peoriaaz.gov/enrichment

Want to grow plants but don’t have the yard space for in-ground planters? Our plant expert will talk about container types and size, potting mix, water, fertilizer, and a list of plants that actually prefer growing in containers


Course # 75109

When Sat , Oct 7; 9:30 - 11 a m (1 class)

Age 15+

Location Rio Vista Recreation Center

Herb Gardening

Sarah Loerzel Recreation Coordinator


(623) 773-8618

Grow tasty herbs and culinary flavors in your own backyard! Join us as a gardening expert walks through the best herbs that are very successful in the fall Homegrown and fresh picked they add zest to salads, marinades and sauces Learn how easy it is to grow these plants with tips on harvesting and using them to spice up your life!


Course # 75108

When Sat , S ept 23; 9:30 - 11 a m (1 class)

Age 15+

Location Rio Vista Recreation Center

Looking to re-vamp your landscape with a more desert-hardy and low-to-no maintenance flare, but unsure where to start? In this class a xeriscape design expert will walk you through important best practices for design, desert-adapted plant selection, and plant location tips that will help your landscape thrive, with little extra from you


Course # 75112

When Sat , N ov 4; 9:30 - 11 a m (1 class)

Age 15+

Location Rio Vista Recreation Center

Resilient Landscapes

Is your landscape resilient to our region’s extreme climate and low precipitation? A landscaping expert will walk you through the ways you can increase the resiliency and health of your landscape while still providing shade, color and an aesthetically pleasing view


Course # 75107

When Sat , S ept 9; 9:30 - 11 a m (1 class)

Age 15+

Location Rio Vista Recreation Center

Watering Plants in the Desert

Are you looking at your plants and asking yourself, did I water enough? In this class our expert will give you tips on how to ensure your plants are getting the right amount of water at the correct frequency The key in the desert is to water deeply but infrequently and we will give you the tools you need to score an “A” in watering


Course # 75111

When Wed , Oct 18; 6 - 7:30 p m (1 class)

Age 15+

Location Rio Vista Recreation Center