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The ulitimate summer holiday ROAD TRIP CHECKLIST

With the summer holidays just around the corner, now is the time to start planning your next family road trip. A summer road trip can be an exciting adventure and the perfect opportunity to spend quality time with those closest to you – but long drives with young children can be stressful if you’re not prepared. To take the hassle out of your next adventure and enjoy a smooth road trip this summer, here’s everything you should consider before hitting the road.



It’s essential to keep sun safety front and centre of mind and always remember to 'slip slop slap.' Protecting your child’s skin is so important, given children are especially vulnerable to harsh UV rays. When packing for your next road trip, don’t forget to include enough sunscreen for the whole family. Even if you plan to spend most of the trip in the car, short breaks to stretch your legs can be enough to result in an unpleasant sunburn.

Try Chemists’ Own Dry Touch Sunscreen SPF 50; It’s nongreasy so delicate on car seats and comes in a standard 200ml tube as well as a convenient 75ml travel tube, so you can pack the right amount depending on the length of your trip.


When packing for a long trip, don’t forget to include some activities to keep your child entertained. A great option is to build an activity box for your little one to have on hand. Start with a container large enough to fit your child’s favourite items, and pack with a colouring book, pencils, crayons and stickers. You could also consider a travel tray or lap desk which can sit over your child’s lap and provide them a steady surface to do their activities on. You can find these at most department stores, as well as retailers like Baby Bunting and even Supercheap Auto.


Perhaps the most important item to grab as you head out the door is a well-stocked first aid kit. If your road trip includes outdoor adventures or exploration of new places, it’s only a matter of time before someone ends up with a bump or bruise – so be prepared by stocking your kit with essentials.

According to Pharmacist Montana Grenfell, “The best over the counter children’s medications to pack for a road trip are a pain and fever reducer, such as children’s paracetamol or ibuprofen ¬– found in ranges like Chemists’ Own or APHOHEALTH Children’s Range ¬– an antiseptic cream for burns, bites or itches, an antihistamine for hives and other allergic reactions, and a cough and cold medicine for older children.”

“Baby wipes are also a great addition to a first aid kid to clean up sticky or dirty hands and a thermometer is a must as well,” Montana says.


It’s important to keep your child well fed while travelling, but easy and nutritious food options aren’t always accessible while on the road. Instead, a good alternative is packing a lunch box with your child’s favourite snacks so they can access healthy foods while on the go.

Brands like Munchbox offer bento-style lunch boxes (made up of multiple, small compartments) designed to keep foods separated and fresh with a sealed lid.

According to Montana, “Snacks are a must to set children up for success and prevent travel sickness. Plain crackers are a great item to pack”.


The last thing you want on a long drive is your little one exposed to harsh UV rays. But if your car’s windows aren’t tinted, this is very much possible. So if you’re looking for greater shelter, make sure to pack a car window shade like those from Munchkin Brica. A shade like this will securely attach to your window, and keep your precious cargo safe from the sun, heat and glare.


For some reason when travelling with kids the car can quickly become a mess no matter how organised you try to be. Depending on the length of the trip, rubbish from snacks, napkins and used drink cartons can quickly build up. To help contain the chaos, consider investing in a portable, car rubbish bin. Brands like Dick Smith offer durable, waterproof bins that are designed to easily hang on the back seat pocket to ensure the perfect solution for rubbish storage.


It’s important to keep your child’s routine as normal as possible when road tripping, especially when it comes to nap time. Naps are such a key part of a child’s day, giving their minds and bodies the opportunity to rest and recharge. When packing for a long drive, make sure to include the creature comforts to help your little one relax and doze off. Brands like Trunki offer travel pillows that connect under the chin to support your child’s neck; a snug travel companion that is sure to settle your little one down.


Prioritising your child’s comfort and wellbeing is essential for a smooth travel experience and there are a few key pieces of advice parents can follow to create a relaxing environment for the entire family.

According to Montana, “If your child experiences travel sickness, travelling at night is the best way to set them up for success. Travelling at night removes the contradicting senses and reduces the incoming visual information allowing your child to sleep through the trip”.

“If you’re travelling through the day, sit your child at the front of the vehicle if they’re old enough, or behind the driver – the most steady position – and keep them cool with either fresh air or air conditioning. Encourage them to sip on water to stay hydrated and avoid reading on the move.”

Road trips are a highlight for the whole family and a special time to make memories with your loved ones. By being well prepared with everything you need to keep your family happy and healthy, you can focus on your adventure and enjoy the journey!