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nearest 27 EU nations. We have turned our backs on our neighbours, and the Government announces a major deal (in their eyes) with nations on the other side of our planet. It would be like instead of shopping at our nearest supermarket, we go to Aberdeen, instead. I fail to understand the government’s logic. It appears to be a cosmetic publicity stunt to show that they can make a trade deal, post-Brexit. And a poor quality one with little to make up the lost trade we would have had if we were still an EU member.

In other news, last Monday was the 10th anniversary of the passing of the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act 2013. It was drawn up by Lynne Featherstone MP, a Lib Dem Minister Equalities Minister in the coalition government. This was at a time when support for the idea was just 42% in 2011. Now, it stands at 78% and almost half of Britons say they personally know someone in a same-sex marriage.

Even former PM, David Cameron says it’s one of the things he’s most proud of, that anyone would think it was his idea, or a Tory Party policy. It wasn’t.