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grieving the depArture of A hero: ted owens, one of wAles’ lAst d-dAy veterAns

Wales’ last surviving D-Day veterans, leaving a void that can never be filled. His bravery, resilience, and unwavering commitment to preserving history will be remembered and cherished by all who had the honour of knowing him. As Pembroke Dock and the entire nation bid a tearful farewell to their beloved hero, they take solace in the fact that his legacy will continue to inspire and guide generations to come. Ted Owens, a true war hero, will forever remain in the hearts of the nation he served so selflessly.


stands united in grief as it bids farewell to Ted Owens, a gallant D-Day veteran whose life journey was intertwined with the annals of history. Just a few weeks shy of his 99th birthday, Mr. Owens breathed his last on Tuesday (Jul 18), leaving behind a legacy of bravery, resilience, and a commitment to ensuring that the sacrifices of those who fought in the Second World War would never be forgotten.

Hailing from Pembroke Dock, Ted Owens was born in 1924, and destiny led him to play a pivotal role in the momentous liberation of Dunkirk in 1944. His valour and devotion to duty did not go unnoticed, and he was honoured with the prestigious Légion D’Honneur, a testament to his exceptional contributions to the war effort.

Despite the passing of years, Ted Owens’ indomitable spirit and dedication to preserving the memories of those tumultuous times remained ever strong. At the age of 95, he became a prominent figure in the hearts of many viewers as he featured in the acclaimed program “Lest We Forget.” Accompanied by two wide-eyed primary school children, he embarked on a poignant journey through France and Germany, retracing the steps he took as a young soldier during the war. Through this remarkable venture, Mr. Owens imparted invaluable knowledge to the younger generation, ensuring that the horrors and heroism of the war would not fade into the pages of history.

As a Royal Marines commando and a skilled marksman, Ted Owens was among the brave souls who landed on Sword Beach during the fateful D-Day on June 6, 1944. His courage on that momentous day was etched into the fabric of history. However, the fortunes of war dealt him a painful blow when he suffered injuries during the invasion. Undeterred, he defied adversity and displayed remarkable resilience by returning to the front lines in August 1944. His unwavering dedication to the cause saw him fighting his way back to Dunkirk, leaving an indelible mark on the pages of military history.

In 2019, Ted Owens embarked on a poignant journey back to France, where he was hailed as a true hero by grateful locals. The town of Pont L’Évêque, once liberated by his valiant efforts, held his memory dear, evidenced by the presence of his portrait on a lamppost. During this memorable trip, he left an enduring impression on young Evan Lewis, a tenyear-old who described the experience as “the greatest history lesson ever.” Despite their significant age difference, Ted and Evan formed a heartwarming friendship that spanned generations. Evan’s admiration for the veteran knew no bounds, and he often regaled others with tales of Ted’s bravery, recounting how he had been “blown up, shot, and injured by an exploding mine.”

Evan Lewis and his sister Caoimhe were fortunate to accompany Mr. Owens to Germany, where the war hero found himself embraced by new friends. Ted’s warm personality and genuine interest in the lives of others endeared him to everyone he met. The impact he made on young hearts and minds was truly immeasurable.

During his visit to St. Mary’s Catholic

Primary School in Cardiff, Mr. Owens was welcomed with open arms and hearts by the pupils. Overwhelmed by their warm reception, he humbly expressed hope that his stories would resonate with the younger generation and inspire them to embrace the values of courage, sacrifice, and compassion.

Freelance TV producer Greg Lewis, who had the privilege of spending many joyous moments with Ted Owens, praised him as a treasure trove of information and captivating stories.

Ted’s firsthand accounts of historic events provided invaluable insights into the past, making him a living bridge between generations.

The loss of Ted Owens marks the departure of one of