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Cardigan man raped young girl

The second charge was for failing to surrender to police or court bail, when on July 12, she failed to surrender to custody at Llanelli Magistrates Court.

She was jailed for a total of eight weeks – six for the theft offence and two for failing to surrender. The judge stated that the planning, high value of goods stolen and previous convictions were the reason for the prison sentence.

She also has to pay £474.99 in compensation.

Drug driver was fired by employer

A DRUG DRIVER, Maxence Pochic, was brought before magistrates on Tuesday (Jul 18) for refusing to provide a blood sample after testing positive for cannabis at a car park. Initially agreeing to give the sample, he later changed his mind, hoping for a shorter driving ban. His solicitor explained he feared his drug levels were raised due to passive inhalation.

The Crown Prosecutor disagreed, stating he knew the risk but still refused the test. It was his second drug-driving offence in ten years, resulting in a longer disqualification. He lost his job due to the court appearance. Pochic, 25, pleaded guilty and received a three-year driving ban, a 12-month community order with 15 rehabilitation days and 60 hours of unpaid work. He also has to pay a £114 court surcharge and £85 costs.

IN A SHOCKING court case that has shaken the community, Nathan Griffiths, a 33-year-old man from Cardigan, has been found guilty of two counts of rape against a young girl. The offences, which occurred between January 2014 and January 2015, involved a child who was merely 12 or 13 years old at the time. After an intense four hours and 49 minutes of deliberations, the jury returned a unanimous guilty verdict for each of the charges, delivering a measure of justice to the victim and her family.

Biker banned over pint and a half


Arnold faced Haverfordwest magistrates for drinkdriving after riding his Yamaha bike through an alleyway in the town centre, while over the drink-drive limit. He had been pushing the bike but decided to ride it when it fell over, unaware that a police officer was present. Arnold admitted drinking a pint and a half earlier that evening, and a roadside breath test showed 52 mcg of alcohol (legal limit: 35). His solicitor stated that Arnold relied on the bike as he had no other means of transportation to work at the Druidstone Hotel. The court disqualified him from driving for 12 months, fined him £100, and ordered £85 court costs and a £40 surcharge.

Driving without due care and attention

ALISON HULL, 36, residing in Glangleddau, Wolfscastle, pleaded guilty to two charges at Llanelli Magistrates’ Court on July 12. The first charge was for driving without due care and attention on December 19, when she drove a Hyundai in the Marks and Spencer car park in anxious even after she no longer lived in the area. if she ever revealed the truth. family weigh heavily on the minds of many.

The CPS prosecutor, Robin Rouch, laid out the horrifying events that transpired at a property in the Newcastle Emlyn area while the complainant was alone with Griffiths. They had been playing the popular video game “Minecraft” together when Griffiths began making repeated inappropriate requests for oral sex. Each time, the young girl firmly refused, displaying immense courage and determination to stand up for herself.

She went as far as blocking him and multiple accounts she suspected to be him on social media, trying to protect herself from further harm.

The victim’s ordeal remained hidden. It wasn’t until March 2020, around the time of her 18th birthday, that the police became aware of the allegations.

Throughout the court case, Griffiths denied any wrongdoing and asserted that he and the complainant had maintained contact through social media after the incident. Nevertheless, the overwhelming evidence and the testimonies presented before the court were compelling enough to secure the guilty verdict.


The second charge was for failing to stop after a road accident at the same date and location, where she caused damage to a Toyota Yaris. As a penalty, she received five points on her license and was ordered to pay a fine of £369, a surcharge of £148, and £110 in costs.

However, as Mr. Rouch recounted to the jury, there came moment when Griffiths crossed an unforgivable line. He forcibly subjected the child to perform oral sex on him and then proceeded to commit the act of rape.

The prosecutor characterized Griffiths’ behavior as starting from an “unhealthy interest” in the young complainant, which understandably left her deeply troubled and

The brave young woman mustered the courage to report the traumatic events to another party, breaking the silence that had been maintained out of fear.

According to the testimony presented during the trial, the complainant had refrained from speaking up earlier due to the defendant’s chilling threats. Griffiths had warned her that he would harm her mother

With the trial concluded, the focus now shifts to the sentencing phase.

Judge Geraint Walters has adjourned this to August 8 to allow for a thorough medical and psychological assessment of the defendant. Griffiths, who had been out on bail, has been remanded in custody due to concerns over his safety. While the court seeks to ensure a fair sentencing process, the severity of the crimes committed and the impact on the young victim and her

This distressing case serves as a stark reminder of the importance of fostering a safe environment for children and encouraging them to speak out against any form of abuse or harassment. It is also a testament to the resilience and bravery of the young girl, who found the strength to confront her tormentor and seek justice after years of living in fear.

As the legal process nears its conclusion, the community stands united in support of the victim, sending a powerful message that such abhorrent acts have no place in society. This conviction sends a strong signal that perpetrators of sexual violence will be held accountable for their actions. As we await the sentencing, our thoughts remain with the survivor, her family, and all those impacted by this traumatic case.