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Communauté D’Aglormeration Porte


At 36, Romain Charbonnel is based in Montseveroux in Isère. He joined the Cabestan activity and employment cooperative in 2014. His activity is twofold as he is both a mason specialising in adobe and a craftsman in hemp building insulation. Pisé is a method of building with raw earth. It is very widespread in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region. Previously, Romain obtained a DUT in physics and then a master’s degree in environment and sustainable development, which took him to Scotland. He then worked for 5 years as an employee in a Lyon-based air quality control company. In 2012, he decided to retrain: “I took a course in building energy performance and ecoconstruction. I didn’t really like the world of industry anymore and I wanted to give an ecological orientation to my job.”


Year: 2021

Collective: Cabestan: Romain Charbonnel.


Arte. Feda Wardak. L’atelier A.

An architect-constructor and independent researcher in residence at the Ateliers Médicis, Feda Wardak has been working since 2019 on En-dessous, la forêt, a project that consists of building a monumental wooden scenographic work in the middle of the Forêt Régionale de Bondy in Clichy-sous-Bois, which will become the support for a choreographic creation to be presented during the Summer of 2021.

En-dessous, la forêt is an installation that will take place in the Bondy forest in Clichy-sous-Bois / Montfermeil. Conceived as a work between the ground and the tree tops, it will host this summer a choreographic creation, a series of scientific meetings and will allow everyone to visit or live in it for a while.

Year: 2021

Collective: Aman.Iwan.

Source: https://www.arte.tv/fr/videos/102269-006-A/feda-wardak/

“Estamos viviendo un periodo interesante, lindo muycreativomuyfecundo,difícildecomprender por vezes sobretodo cuando uno se lo mira desde afuera e desde arriba , las cosas que de vera se comprenden(...) son las cosas que uno es capaz de mirar desde adentro y desde abajo . Si unounolasmirasdesdearribaconlaarrogancia típicadenuestrosprofesoresdedemocracia,yse ademásdemirardesdearriba,unolomiradesde afuera,noentiendenada.”

GALEANO. E. (Janeiro de 2018). Sangue latino. CanalBrasil.(Video)

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