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Finding Doryin

By Paul Hutnick

Load Sunga in Black / Pink, $65 at nastypig.com today. It is important for a model that his or her pages be vibrant and show off their many facets. It helps to build a fan base and that helps to book gigs.

Do you share everything on your socials? I leave out my personal drama and any shenanigans that might occur at any afterparties I attend.

How often do you go to the gym? I work out seven days at a time and then take two days off. My favorite body parts to work on are my chest and glutes.

What is your idea of perfect happiness? Being in the warmth with my friends and feeling at peace.

What is your most treasured possession? A piece of jewelry that was gifted from my boyfriend.

What is the trait you most deplore in others? People who feel that the only way to relate is by bringing up something negative.

What are your thoughts on Black History Month? It is important. In order to progress towards a future of true equality and peace, all Americans of every color and persuasion must recognize and have conversations about the struggles Black people have endured. I believe Black History should be celebrated every day.

View the entire collection at NastyPig.com.