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Cathy Barr Palliative Care Endowment

I am Sandra Jean Wheaton, Nurse Practitioner with Peace Health Palliative Care Services. I would like to sincerely thank you for entrusting PeaceHealth St. John Medical Center Foundation with your investment in the health of our community.

As a newcomer to Longview, Washington and to the Service of Palliative Care, I am excited to take on the challenges of this new role. This is not just a new assignment. This is a change in mental focus from the more scientific goal of curing disease and aiding the recovery of patients to their previous state of health. Then moving to assisting patients to a calmer, more accepting state of management of their chronic progressive disease for their optimal quality of life. The art of providing healthcare with compassion and excellence is commensurate with achieving my goals as well as some of the primary goals of the Peace Health Mission.

The experience afforded me by previous Nurse Practitioner positions in Primary Care, Geriatric Outpatient Care, Rehab and Urology Services has instilled a sense of accomplishment and confidence that I am ready for this next chapter in my career. The Palliative Care Service at St John Medical Center is beginning to blossom as a service and requires more than skills to care for patients. Additional efforts are needed to educate many who are not familiar with Palliative services or experienced in adding this service to a patient’s treatment regimen.

I strongly believe that our final challenge is making sure that life is filled with quality for the time that we have.

Palliative Care Program Update

Research tells us that chronic diseases account for nearly 75% of aggregate healthcare spending in the USA. To ensure that patients understand their options for medical interventions, our Palliative Care team facilitates conversations around future healthcare needs and wishes. Their expert symptom management relieves pain and discomfort, helping to reduce emergency room visits and repeat hospitalizations.

PeaceHealth is investing significant time and resources to ensure that our Palliative Care programs across the PeaceHealth system continue to grow and improve as we provide compassionate care to those in need.

Palliative Care is so helpful to patients that 93% of people who have received it are likely to recommend it to others. Your support is truly making a difference in our community. Thank you!

The Power of Your Giving

66% reduction in symptom distress among palliative care recipients

93% of people who have received palliative care are likely to recommend it to others

Your heartfelt dedication to the health of your community is evident with every gift you make.