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BRIGHT HORIZONS School Readiness

School Readiness at Bright Horizons


Most families look forward to the first day of kindergarten with a mix of feelings, ranging from excitement and pride to nostalgia and even a little sadness.

Kindergarten marks the beginning of a child’s forward push toward independence. But while it represents a major step and a big change, it is not the end point. It is one of many moments on the path of a lifelong learner.

Long before children reach kindergarten, parents wonder about school readiness. “Will my child be ready for school?” and “Are we doing enough?” are common questions.

School readiness includes a set of skills that goes beyond being “kindergarten ready” and prepares children for success in school — and in life. These broad skills include knowledge application, socialemotional skills, critical thinking and problem solving, innovation and creative thinking, and a positive disposition for learning.

Bright Horizons classrooms and emergent curriculum provide young children the ability to expand beyond strong foundations in reading, writing, and math to understand not just what to learn, but how to learn. While it might be tempting to impose rigorous “drill and repeat” teaching strategies, these techniques do not match the reality of how children learn or what they need to grow and thrive. Children’s development unfolds in a predictable sequence, but at an individual rate. Just as each child learns to walk at his or her own rate, children become ready for more abstract, academic learning in their own time.

So what should you look for when finding a high-quality early childhood program that focuses on school readiness?

• Opportunities for meaningful play, project work, experimentation, and discovery. This type of learning is powerful. Children must understand not only what to learn but also how to learn. • Math, literacy, and science interwoven throughout the day, rather than in isolation (worksheets and flash cards). For example, while planting a garden in a center or classroom, the children read books about plants, measure the garden area, and care for the garden.

The learning is rich, immediate, relevant, and tends to stick with children. • An emphasis on trusting relationships and caring social interactions. Social-emotional development is the foundation for all other learning. Teachers understand that young children are still learning and will make mistakes. Children are gently guided and encouraged as they gain confidence and learn to collaborate, communicate, and resolve conflict with each other. • Well-rounded literacy activities.

In addition to learning the letters of the alphabet, children must develop vocabulary, listen and communicate effectively, and view reading and writing as pleasurable and important ways to share ideas and gain knowledge. • Open-ended art, storytelling, poetry, dramatic play, music, and experiences in nature. Children build creativity and critical thinking as they participate in the arts and nature.

So what can you do at home to prepare your child?

1. Talk with your child. Encourage expressions of feelings and find time to share love and appreciation. These moments build your child’s confidence and ability to communicate and collaborate. 2. Read to your child. We can’t predict everything children will need to know to be successful in the future, but we can offer a love of reading that will allow them to learn content throughout their lives. 3. Play with your child. Board games, blocks, active games, and silly moments all forge communication and collaboration. 4. Experience nature. The natural world is a laboratory that encourages risk, critical thinking, observation, and creative innovation.

There’s a lot of hype about school readiness, but don’t feel like you have to go overboard to prepare. Being mindful about finding a high-quality early childhood program and taking steps at home will help prepare your child for school and ensure that they will thrive!

Bright Horizons at Orange 203-799-8033 or email orng@brighthorizons.com 