1 minute read

THANK YOU lose yourself in the service of others.”

Highlighting a few indispensable people who have continued to give an enormous amount of time and heart to this race:

The definition of logisitics is the detailed coordination of a complex operation that involves many people, facilities, and supplies. It's a simple concept but rather few can appreciate the depth and chanllenges that goes into organizing the logisitical side of long distance race in the woods. And the best logisitics team is always the one you never notice because things seem so seamless and smooth. This is the reason I want to thank our long time crew that has put in so many hours prior to race day and the execution on race day that makes the race so wonderful.

Tom McNerney has been our head logistics coordinator (and also the volunteer coordinator until this year) and knows the ins and out of all the trails, equipment, and moving pieces on race day. He takes the complex "race machine" and keeps it churning from course marking to race clean up. He's indespensible at WEU!

From the humble beginings of this race, we've had Bob Stoudt and his kids putting in some serious hours behind the wheel on race day to deliver equipement, pick up dropped runners, retrieving drop bags, hauling water and about a million other odds and ends on race day. The selfless service to this race over the years have been truely a blessing. They compliment and support Tom in keeping the grease on the "race machine" and honestly don't know where we would be today without them!

To our supporters, past, present, and future: THANK YOU!