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Understanding Special Education Funding Free and Appropriate for All

The decision to place a child in the setting that is most appropriate for their needs should be based on the I E P , not the cost

The CIRCUIT BREAKER program was started in FY’04 to provide additional state funding to districts for high-cost special education students.

The CIRCUIT BREAKER program reimburses local school districts for a portion of their prior year's costs above a certain threshold for educating severely highneeds special education students


Prior to , there were significant struggles over who was responsible for the students with highcost special education placements

And how paying for critical special education services would impact the school district's budget.

When an approved special education school is determined to be the least restrictive environment for a student, Massachusetts helps districts protect the integrity of the IEP process by agreeing that students with significant special needs are not just the responsibility of one school district, but rather the collective responsibility of the Commonwealth

The baseline cost assumes that educating a student with severe needs will cost more than for a typical student


Currently, CIRCUIT BREAKER reimburses of costs above that baseline and is subject to appropriation by the legislature each year.
