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For All Your Pets’ Needs

For over forty years, Dunbar residents have turned to K&K Petfoods to help keep their pets happy and healthy. Pablo Larrea-Molina and his wife Karla Chinchilla (could there be a more perfect last name for a pet store owner?) are the shop’s new owners; they purchased the business from BJ and Luci Kim, who retired in December 2021.

Originally from Mexico City, Pablo and Karla had visited Whistler and Vancouver several times and dreamed of moving here with their family. In 2019, they made a trip to Vancouver to investigate businesses for sale when they found K&K Petfoods. Although Pablo did not have previous experience in this industry, he was confident his experience as a business owner (he owns a car repair shop in Mexico City) would serve him well.

Pablo Larrea-Molina & Karla Chinchilla

Pablo Larrea-Molina & Karla Chinchilla


I know the customer service part of operating a business very well. Making people happy is the same whether it relates to their cars or pets.

The COVID-19 pandemic delayed their move to Vancouver until September 2020. Pablo worked alongside BJ and Luci Kim for a year while they passed on their extensive knowledge, and then he and Karla fully took the helm in January 2022.

Pablo works in the shop with his staff, ordering products and managing the business, while Karla assists behind the scenes managing social media, building the website, and coordinating online sales.

Over 4,000 products can be found in this well-stocked shop.

K&K Petfoods Dunbar carries a variety of dry, wet, and raw pet foods from popular holistic brands to help keep your pets happy and healthy. In addition, the shop sells a wide range of healthy treats and freeze-dried meats both you and your pets can feel good about.

“There has been an increasing demand for raw food for dogs and cats. You can add veggies and grains. People are becoming aware that a raw diet has many nutritional benefits,” he says.

Pablo knows how expensive many necessities have become and attempts to keep his pet food prices lower than other stores. He says, “We carry the best quality products at competitive prices.” He also points out that some pet food brands offer loyalty programs.

From food to comfy bedding, toys, pet crates, and grooming supplies, your pets’ needs will be well taken care of.

The couple’s beloved 13-year-old golden retriever, Mak, recently passed away. He frequently came to the shop, and they miss him very much. They feel fortunate that Aya, one of their staff members, brings in a puppy name Fig several times a week.

K&K Petfoods is located in the same block as Alta Vista Animal Hospital. Following veterinary appointments, it is common for dogs to drag their owners into the pet food store to get a treat; K&K Petfood’s staff is always happy to oblige.

The holidays will soon be upon us, and seasonal gifts will be lining K&K Petfoods’ shelves. From toys and treats to turkey and cranberry-flavoured food, gifts for our furry friends will be packaged in Christmas-themed colours and shapes; after all, even pets enjoy unwrapping something special! Other gift suggestions include sweaters to bundle up in and socks to keep little paws warm on cooler walks. A new bed is another nice treat for your feline or canine pal to curl up in on a cold winter day.

Cats and dogs aren’t the only pets that receive tender loving care at K&K Petfoods. You will also find products for ferrets, guinea pigs, chinchillas, fish, hamsters, and wild birds, along with items for reptile habitats. Although they do not carry fish tanks, they do sell filters, sand and food.

Pablo is enjoying Dunbar. He says, “It’s a friendly residential family-oriented neighbourhood. Many customers have shopped here forever; some are third-generation customers. It’s like a small village where people say hi to each other.”

Community is very important to Pablo. He says, “K&K Petfoods will participate in all Dunbar Village Business Association’s events starting with Halloween. It’s fun and important to build up a community around you.”

During the pandemic, many people became first-time dog owners and required help with pet food and other tips. Some customers are concerned about food allergies or seek food to help their pets lose weight. Pablo always recommends consulting a vet for medical issues; however, K&K Petfood’s staff does their research and knows their products well. They are also happy to contact brand representatives with questions for their company’s nutritionist.

He concludes, “We take our time to do our best for our customers. We keep the store interesting by not always carrying the same things. Come in and visit us. We are happy to talk, sell or just play with any dog or cat that comes in!”

K&K Petfoods

4595 Dunbar Street Vancouver, BC V6S 2G7

Phone 604-224-2513


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