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Janel Parrish

Legend in the Making

By VANESSA MAPES @vanessa.mapes

Actress Janel Parrish has dazzled audiences with her roles as Margot Covey in Netflix’s To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before, Mona Vanderwaal in Freeform’s Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists as well as her portrayal of Young Cosette in the Broadway production of Les Miserables. We had the amazing pleasure to talk with Janel about her childhood in Honolulu, Hawaii, her lifestyle, and her passion for the arts.


When did you first know you wanted to become an actress?

I knew when I was 6 years old. My parents took me to see Phantom of the Opera and I was captivated. I knew then I wanted to be a performer!

What is one of your favorite memories from growing up in Honolulu, Hawaii?

Spending every Sunday night with my family at my grandparent's house, eating Hawaiian food and playing in the warm summer nights. Beach days...picnics. I miss my family there the most!

What was it like to hear you’d been cast as Mona Vanderwaal on Freeform’s Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists?

Amazing. I was so sad to have to leave her behind and so relieved when I learned I didn’t have to. We are having too much fun creating another layer of Mona and the show!

What three words would you use to describe your Mona?

Intriguing, mysterious, ridiculous.

"I want to constantly learn and evolve."

What are your favorite films? Do you have any favorite directors?

Oh yes! Baz Luhrmann is my absolute favorite. Moulin Rouge will always be my favorite film! I also love Tarantino films. Inglorious Bastards is one of my favorites and a masterpiece. I just love films, I could go on and on!

How have you grown as an actor since you were first cast as Mona in 2010?

I hope a lot. I like to think with each experience, you grow and add more tools to the toolbox. I want to constantly learn and evolve. It’s one reason I love working on roles completely different from Mona when I’m not playing her. I love the challenge.

How would you say working on the theatrical Broadway stage is different from working in the bustling television industry? How are they the same?

The stage is 2 hours happening in real time. Everything, every emotion is live and raw and REAL. You go through the experience right there and you feel the audience’s energy as they’re there with you. It’s unlike any other feeling to perform live! But TV and film are amazing in completely different ways. You get the chance to get the scenes right...to perfect it before you leave and give your all. It’s amazing to feel the energy on set and see how it truly takes a village to construct a show or film before it gets shown.

Who was your biggest role model growing up?

Growing up they were Broadway legends! Lea Salonga and Barbara Streisand were two that I admired and listened to every day. Barbara did film and musicals which inspired me!

What was it like moving from an island paradise to L.A. at just 14?

What’s crazy is it didn’t feel crazy. It felt like something I needed to do. Of course, I missed it when I was gone and I still do. It’s hard leaving family and friends and starting a new life somewhere. But I never doubted it’s what

I needed to do to try.

What do you do in your spare time to destress?

Hang with my family, friends and husband. Take trips to quiet and beautiful places. Cook, get outdoors, go back to the things I miss when I’m gone working.

How did you meet your husband?

We met through our friends who are dating! They both were our childhood friends :)

Do you have any warm-up rituals you do before shooting scenes?

I just make Sasha Pieterse go over the scenes with me a lot so I can get out the words haha

What is your skincare routine?

Very strict! My husband calls it “goo”. I have a face wash, then a toner, active serum, eye cream and moisturizer!

How would you describe your personal style?

Casual chic. I’m usually dressed pretty basic but with some fun boots or purses!

What secrets can you spill about the upcoming sequel to Netflix’s To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before?

You guys are gonna get a good love triangle ;)