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It’s a Beautiful Day in the Gayborhood

A beautiful day for a smokey treat, that is! We love learning more about local brands and cannabis. Here are a few who have been standing out to us!

Hemper Boxes

If you’re a stoner who loves gear and goodies, you need a Hemper Box subscription! Some cannabis boxes are super basic, offering a runof-the-mill piece and some easy-to-source accessories. What makes the Hemper Box unique is their fun themes and on-brand pieces. For Christmas, I got a holiday wreath bong, and their tea party set allows you to spill the tea with a rig that looks like Mrs. Pots from Beauty and the Beast.

And the smaller offerings aren’t too shabby either, ranging from flavored blunt wraps to pipe cleaners to funky dab tools. Once you get a subscription and see what’s inside, you’ll want to keep it active to collect them all.