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Dixie’s Tupperware Party Returns to Kravis Center

February 17 - 19, 2023

The Belle of the bowls that “burp” is back! Dixie Longate herself is returning to the Raymond F. Kravis Center for the Performing Arts during Dixie’s Tupperware Party. The feisty redhead is excited to share the latest Tupperware catalog offerings, along with her trademark homespun wisdom, for five performances on February 17 - 19, 2023. OutClique caught up with Dixie as she was in her hometown in Alabama getting ready for the holidays before hitting the road on another nationwide tour.

“I’m so excited to return to Florida where everybody is real neighborly, and it’s nice and warm, and people are only bundled up when they go to pee by the dumpster,” says Dixie. She speaks in rapid-fire Southern cadence, one “bless-your-heart” away from a quip at any moment.

Created in 2007, Dixie Longate has traveled the globe, bringing laughter and joy as fresh as the food her

Tupperware protects to thousands of fans and new clients each year. For those who aren’t familiar with a Tupperware party, Dixie is only too happy to educate.

“It hurts my heart that kids today don’t know about Tupperware, but I’m gonna learn them about food storage, and that it lasts forever, and everybody loves it, and why it’s the best thing,” says Dixie. She sees herself as a woman on a mission, spreading a message of empowerment and continuing the legacy first started by Tupperware party inventor, Brownie Wise. “You wouldn’t even know about Tupperware without Brownie, who saw them sittin’ there on the shelves and thought, why don’t I just take those off the shelves and bring them to my friends?” The innovative product grew to be a worldwide phenomenon, with Tupperware parties providing income for thousands of women throughout the 1960’s to today. While the parties are no longer ubiquitous in American households, the company is still going strong, giving Dixie ample opportunities to create more creative uses for the durable product beyond food storage.

“The way people cook changes, so Tupperware always changes. Have you heard of Kimchi?” Dixie asks, referring to the notoriously strong-smelling Korean cabbage dish. “Well, Tupperware has a product just for that. New products are always coming out to make cooking easier, so you can get out of the kitchen and into the bedroom where you’ll do more important things.”

Laughter is a huge part of any party and Dixie brings a heaping dose of it to her Tupperware party, where the simple plastic pieces of storage provide endless opportunities for hilarity with all the guests. “There’s always something different about the show,” explains Dixie. “There are always new interactions, which keeps me from getting bored and drinking all the time. I mean, I’m drinking all the time anyway, but that’s just ‘cause I’m an overachiever.”

During the show, Dixie shares moving stories about her own life and how she rose to become the Tupperware brand’s top salesperson. “I became the #1 salesperson in the U.S. and Canada, and was invited to the annual Jubilee, where they gave me a sash and a crown, and can you just imagine me up there? I’m still high on the list, but the most important thing each day is just bein’ up there on that stage each night, and making people smile.”

The pandemic put a damper on Dixie’s Tupperware parties, but it didn’t stop her from spreading joy online through her vlogs, where she continued her message of standing tall, sharing smiles, and making moonshine out of lemons. She also developed a new show: Cherry Bombs and Bottle Rockets, which she’ll tour this season across the country. In the meantime, South Florida patrons have the chance to discover some new uses for the 75 years-strong products, while sharing in the joy of Dixie’s delightful Southern charm.

“You don’t have to be a woman to enjoy the party, it’s come one, come all” says Dixie. “Even if you’re not lookin’ to getting Tupperware, you’re going to smile and have a good time. That’s the whole reason I do it. It’s about changing things and making everyone feel a little better. We’ll have some fun and spread some joy.” Brownie would be proud.

Author: Elizabeth Dashiell


Tickets start at $40