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Daniel Ortiz’s Debut Book The Inbox

By Denny Patterson

Looking for a book with thrills, chills, and more? Then we would highly recommend that you check out Daniel Ortiz’s debut book, The Inbox.

Following 23-year-old Devon Owens, he has no idea what to do with his life. However, everything changes when he receives an inoffensive message over the internet. What seems pretty innocent quickly turns into a sinister game.

OutClique had the opportunity to sit down and chat more with Ortiz about The Inbox.

Denny Patterson: Hi, Daniel! Thank you for taking some time to chat with me about your new book, The Inbox. Without giving too much away, can you tell us more about it?

Daniel Ortiz: The Inbox follows the story of a young 23-year-old who is trying to get his life together. At the same time, he still has a lot of growing up to do. So, he is stuck in between growing up and still being this young boy who has his mother taking care of him, looking after him, cooking for him. He is trying to grow out of that, and he is looking for a place to live away from home. He winds up searching for an apartment, he hops online, and comes across an odd inbox message offering him a place to stay. Things escalate from there. He winds up trapped in this inescapable nightmare, and he can’t seem to get out of it. He cannot convince his friends and family that he feels something is after him through his inbox message.

DP The Inbox is part of a series?

DO Yes. I am currently working on the second part, and it should be released sometime later this year.

DP You recently moved to the Fort Lauderdale area from Queens, New York. What brought you down here?

DO My partner. He is a doctor at Holy Cross Hospital. He is doing his residency there right now, and we were doing long distance for quite a while. He was going through the process of a match, so he did not know where he was going to be. He applied to Chicago, Florida, and he had interviews in New York. Unfortunately, he did not get the one from New York or Chicago, and Florida was the one that accepted him. So, that is why we are here now. We decided to end the long distance. I said, wherever you are for residency, I will follow. I will be there and we can finally be together and not do the long distance stuff anymore.

DP What do you hope readers take away from Inbox? The

DO Honestly, be careful who you trust online. Not everyone you think you know over the internet is who they say they are. There is no other way to put it.

DP Besides the next part of The Inbox, do you have any other upcoming projects we should be on the lookout for?

DO This is what I am sticking to at the moment. I want to get this series out, and from there, I honestly have a lot of projects on my mind. This is something that I wanted to get out there first.

Make sure to follow Ortiz on all social media platforms, and visit www.TheInboxBook.com for the latest news and updates. Copies are available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble retail stores. To read the full interview, visit www.OutClique.com.