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Features that Promote Flexibility

Afton team preferred features that promote easy, flexible usage of the space. Some included: open floor plans, sliding walls, folding or stacking furniture, rolling furniture and storage, etc.


Durable and Affordable Construction

Afton team expressed interest in strategies to keep construction and maintenance costs down. For example, preservation of existing materials like cedar ceiling when in good condition, affordable and durable materials, natural lighting, energy efficient design, etc.

Maximizing Uses

Afton team is interested in a facility that can host many types of programs. Just a few examples explored by student teams included: farmers market, pop-up health clinics, commercial kitchen to support home business owners, demonstration cooking courses, movie night, presentations, boy scout/ chamber meetings, public safety meetings, seminars, classes, banquets, craft courses, craft workshops expressing Cherokee heritage like basketmaking.

Connecting to Afton’s History and Culture

Afton team wants to see connections to local context. Proposals explored connecting to Route 66 history, Cherokee heritage, the Hay Capital of the World, and railroad heritage. Some proposals indicated opportunities for local volunteers and artists to participate in building design. For example, local crafts repurposed as wall decor.

Connections to the Outdoor Space

Due to the location adjacent to the city park, many teams explored ways to create indoor/outdoor spaces. These proposals explored the existing overhead door, new patio spaces, new walk-up windows, etc.