Osun Defender Online Version of December 06, 2024

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How Osun Deputy Governor Exposed Adeleke’s Motive To Relocate Ido-Osun Airport - Community Pg. 2

•Faults Technical Team Report, Seeks FG Intervention

Adeleke Acknowledges Aregbesola’s Historical Contribution In Osun

•States Genesis Of Osogbo Ring Road Pg. 5

•Osun State Governor, Senator Ademola Adeleke, and his Oyo State counterpart, Engineer Seyi Makinde, commissioning the Osogbo East bye Pass in Osun State. The project, was initiated by a former governor, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola

Aregbesola, Others Sue For Unity y In Omoluabi Progressives Pg. 2

‘No One Queries My P 4 Authority ‘ - Osogbo Chief Imam Defends SRJ, Muniru’s Islamic Titles

Modakeke Barred From Claiming Boundary Within Pg. 5 Ile-Ife

How New Minimum Wage Delayed Osun Teachers’ Recruitment Exercise Pg. 4




How Osun Deputy Governor Exposed Adeleke’s Motive To Relocate Ido-Osun Airport - Community •Faults Technical Report, Seek FG Intervention Yusuf Oketola OLLOWING the ongoing controversies on the reloca on of Ido-Osun airport, in Egbedore Local Government, Osun State from it’s original site, Indigenes of Ido-osun have faulted the statement by the Deputy Governor, Prince Kola Adewusi, jus fying why the project was relocated. The Indigenes, under the umbrella of Ido-Osun Youth Forum (IYF), said Adewusi’s comment confirmed the real mo ve behind the government’s decision to relocate the airport to Ede, the Governor’s hometown, while describing it as a clear act of nepo sm that priori zes private interests over the collec ve good of Osun. IYF in a statement signed by its president, Comrade Azeez Adeyeye said rather than reloca ng the project, the encroachment issue should be addressed. A copy of the statement made available to OSUN DEFENDER yesterday reads partly: “The


public statements by the Deputy Governor and the technical report confirm that the real mo ve behind these claims is to jusfy the reloca on of the airport to Ede. “This is a clear act of nepo sm that priori zes private interests over the collec ve good of Osun State. Rather than relocating the airport, the gov-

ernment should address the encroachment issue and priori ze the compleon of the project for the benefit of future generaons. “According to the the Technical team, they have spent approximately 36 million naira for the design and wind analysis, this is not withstanding how much compensa on is ex-

pected to be paid on the proposed Ede site with a acclaimed 1922.111 Hectares of land occupants. What else could be a defini on of wasteful spending if not this? “If houses and businesses are being destroyed in different part of the state by successive administra on and even the present government

in power to pave way for road reconstruc on and expansions, the moral thing to do by the Adeleke Family is to lead by example by allowing their school to go since they are also encroaching on the airport land deliberately. “They should relocate their school to somewhere else to allow the expansion of the runway.

•Former Minister of Interior, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola during his congratulatory visit to newly installed Asiwaju of Osogbo, Retired Justice Moshood Adekunle on Wednesday in Osogbo

We are asking the government to explain to Osun state which of the Airport in Nigeria deos not house an Air Force Infrastructure. Recall that the Deputy Governor, while explaining government’s decision to relocate the project from its proposed loca on, said the proposed land allotted for the project was not enough for an internaonal airport of that magnitude. Adewusi provided this insight during a live radio current affairs program in Osogbo last Wednesday. Adewusi also said that if the state government were to proceed with the project in Ido-Osun, it would cost a lot of money to compensate the members of the community who would be affected. He said, “In this genera on, we should not look at issues with sen ments. The Airforce base is there and will s ll be in use, but it will not suit the present situa on of establishing an airport. There is a need to factor that into the whole issue. Failure to do that is what is affec ng Nigeria today.”

•Continued on Page 7

Aregbesola, Others Sue For Unity In Omoluabi Progressives 13-year-old Escapes Fire Incident As Parents, Siblings Burnt To Death

Kazeem Badmus EMBERS of the leading poli cal organisa on in Osun State, Omoluabi Progressives, have been charged to shun divisive tendencies and embrace unity to actualise the return of a truly progressive government in the state in 2026. They were also admonished to rededicate themselves to the fold’s core values, which are geared towards building responsible leadership premised on character, competence, courage, and discipline to deliver good governance to the people. Abosede Oluwaseun, the Organising and Publicity Secretary of Omoluabi Progressives, said in a statement that the leaders spoke at the December monthly stakeholders mee ng of the tendency in Ilesa, last weekend. Addressing members of the tendency, Chairman, Omoluabi Progressives, Alhaji Azeez Adesiji expressed confidence in the mobilisa on efforts so far, urging members to do more. Adesiji also cau oned members on shelving their personal interests, stressing that all hands must be on deck to realise its aim to reclaim Osun in 2026. “I am glad that peo-


ple are even turning out more and more to our fold daily. It is a reflec on of our acceptability across the nooks and cranny of the state. That the people are con nuously trooping into our tendency means a lot. It shows that they are genuinely keying into a pla orm that truly belongs to them. “We must avoid pu ng our personal interests above the collec ve will of what the Omoluabi Progressives stands to do in the state. We are hugely determined to make our state the toast of others across the country. We can only achieve this if we are united and remove personal interests from our ac vi es. “I’m happy with your turnout. You have shown us that you are indeed with us. Let us keep to that and con nue in the spirit. By the grace of God, we are taking over Osun in 2026. We have not even started. We are moving forward to even greater successes and exploits within the Osun poli cal space. Just con nue your mobilisa on efforts and stay true to the Omoluabi ethos,” the excouncil boss noted. In his remarks, former Minister of Interior, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola urged members of Omolaubi Progressives to embrace

love and unity. Aregbesola, who spoke on the need to embrace unity to reach the tendency’s desired aim, admonished them to work for the overall interest of the fold. He also canvassed the rallying of more grassroots poli cians and leaders of thought to strengthen the tendency’s resolve to entrench good governance in the state. “We have a strong goal and will which is to reclaim our dear state for progress, unity, and its all-round development. “As we inch closer to the official start to the journey of restoring Osun to the hands of true Progressives, let us imbibe the spirit of resilience, dedicaon, love, and unity as it is the centrepiece of every successful effort. “I want you all to key fully into our ethos of discipline, courage, charac-

ter, and competence. You should also desist from working against the general interest of the tendency. What is on ground now is to for fy Omoluabi Progressives to become more formiddable. “I am glad that our numbers are increasing statewide. It is a testament to the fact that God is indeed with us. We are more than confident that because He is firmly with us, we will triumph. I appeal to you all to be united and let the common goal of winning in 2026 be your watchword. It is an assignment that we must do with all sense of responsibility and commitment to a unified tendency,” Aregbesola stressed further. The mee ng also featured the official welcoming of new members across the local government areas of the state.

Kazeem Badmus RAGEDY struck in the early hours of Monday as a devasta ng fire engulfed the residence of a Customs officer, Tijani Kabiru, a ached to the Oyo/ Osun Command, killing him, his wife, and four of their children in the Akankan Area of Ede, Osun State. The midnight inferno has le the community in shock and mourning. Residents woke to the heartbreaking news of the family’s demise, sparking panic and disbelief. A neighbour, Kola, who witnessed the tragic event, recalled, “I can’t say when the fire started, but we observed smoke there at about 3am. “The response me of the firemen was not bad, but the house had been badly affected before the fire could be subdued. Kabiru, his wife, and four children were already burnt to death. But one of the children escaped.” According to Kola, firefighters from the Ede Fire Sta on were promptly contacted a er smoke was detected. However, by the me they arrived, the fire had already consumed much of the house. Confirming the incident,


the spokesperson for the Osun State Fire Service, Ibraheem Adekunle, shared a statement signed by the Director of the Service, Mr Olaniyi Alimi. The statement read, “We were informed of the incident via a distress call to our emergency number 08030808254 at 3:21 a.m. Our team from Ede Zonal Command proceeded to the scene, with a backup team joining from the Fire Service Headquarters in Abere. “The address of the fire incident is Customs Tijani Kabiru Road, Akankan Area, Ede North LG. The street was named a er the deceased, who was a Customs officer from the Oyo/Osun Command. “Mr. Tijani Kabiru, reported to be in his late 40s, and his wife, said to be in her early 40s, lost their lives alongside four of their children—three boys and a girl—aged between three nd 10 years. The es mated loss from the inferno is around N200 million, while property worth N500 million was saved.” The lone survivor, a 13year-old boy, miraculously escaped the blaze. The remains of the deceased were handed over to officers from the A’ Division of the Nigeria Police Force.




Opinion The New Tax Reform Bills (VAT Reform) – A Simple Explainer And Advisor Politics Without Bitterness “The late political party leader and presidential candidate, Alhaji Waziri Ibrahim cautioned politicians to play ‘politics without bitterness’ they recklessly did not heed his wise counsel and the rest is history.”


OVERNOR Ademola Adeleke should be given much commenda on for his intellectual honesty in commending former Osun State Governor, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola, for starting the construc on of Osogbo Ring Road. It’s rare in Nigeria poli cs for a successor to act in such way when they are not even in the same poli cal party. The issue of con nuity is paramount in Nigeria’s poli cal space for collec ve growth. Cont i n u ity matters, it is mostly in countries in which the poli cal establishment are p r o - pelled by unwri en “Democra c agreement” in which enduring sustainable development takes place. Without con nuity, it will always be unproduc ve fits and starts. An unfortunate and be er not to be replicated example of this, is the inadequate government of former Governor Adegboyega Oyetola.The Oyetola administra on, if it can generously be described as such, spent much of his me repudia ng instead of building on the breakthroughs of the pre-

ceding Aregbesola administra on.This led to much dysfunc on as well as an a empt to wipe-out the ins tu onal memory. A heavy price was subsequently paid, including electoral laws. Governor Adeleke has very sensibly started a rebuilding work (the pun is deliberate). We have to look at the process of development as a con nuing paradigm full of twists and thorns, nevertheless, underpinned by an overall structural objecve. Administrations will have only a limited amount of me u p o n which to achieve their o w n stated objec ves.They should concentrate on the present and the future and not on repudia ng past achievements.For this show of maturity, great kudos to governor Ademola Adeleke who has set a worthy example. In a short lived Second Republic, the late poli cal party leader and presiden al candidate, Alhaji Waziri Ibrahim cau oned poli cians to play “poli cs without bi erness”, they recklessly did not heed his wise counsel and the rest is history.

Abdulhaleem Ringim


“Since these bills suppos-

took me to review these new tax reform bills and edly aim to improve fairness to be honest, the commi ee behind their dra ing has done a commendable job. I am sa sfied with in VAT revenue distribution, almost everything contained within the bills, except there must be clear projecfor one specific area where I need further clarity: the tions showing how much aspect related to VAT. OVERVIEW revenue each state is exThe current system of sharing VAT revenue operpected to collect and receive ates as follows: 1. All VAT revenue collected monthly is distributed under the proposed system. as follows: These figures should be • Federal Government: 15% • State Governments and FCT Abuja: 50% compared with what states • Local Governments: 35% 2. The 50% allocated to state governments is fur- currently receive under the existing system” ther distributed in this manner: • 50% equally distributed: Each state and the FCT headquarters, VAT will now be collected and remi ed receive an equal share of this por on. For instance, if the states’ total share is N100 million, 50% (N50 mil- in the state where the VAT-genera ng transac ons oclion) is divided equally among the 36 states and the curred. REQUEST FOR CLARIFICATION AND RECOMMENFCT. • 30% based on popula on: This por on is distrib- DATION This proposal could poten ally be an excellent reuted according to the popula on of each state and the form. Increasing the deriva on share to 60% and shi FCT, with larger states receiving a higher share. ing the collec on system to a loca on-based system • 20% based on deriva on: This is distributed according to the VAT revenue collected by each state. may indeed enhance fairness and accountability. However, taxa on is a complex, numbers-driven isThe more VAT collected within a state, the greater its sue. share. • How was it determined that Lagos is benefi ng 3. The deriva on component (20%) has been a subject of conten on for years. Lagos State, for example, dispropor onately? The conclusion was solely based collects the highest VAT not necessarily because more on transparent data showing the dispari es. • Since these bills supVAT-genera ng transac ons ocposedly aim to improve cur there but because most mafairness in VAT revenue jor companies have their headdistribu on, there must be quarters in Lagos. As a result, clear projec ons showing they pay VAT from ac vi es conhow much revenue each ducted na onwide directly in Lastate is expected to collect gos – Headquarter Effect. and receive under the proFor example, if you make a posed system. These figcall in Kaduna using your MTN ures should be compared line, the VAT charged for that call with what states currently is not paid in Kaduna. Instead, receive under the exis ng MTN aggregates VAT collec ons system. na onwide and remits them The government is from its headquarters in Lagos. hence advised to publish This inflates Lagos’ VAT contributhis data for public review, ons and increases its deriva on allowing ci zens to assess share. the fairness of the new sysWHAT DO THESE NEW BILLS PROPOSE, SPECIFItem based on actual numbers in comparison with the CALLY ON VAT? 1. The bills propose changes to the distribu on for- previous system. If the data clearly shows increased equity, it would mula: • Federal Government share: Reduced from 15% silence cri cs. However, if the projec ons cannot be provided, it to 10%. might be be er to main• State Governments’ tain the current VAT revshare: Increased by 5%, enue-sharing formula for bringing it to 55%. now while implemen ng – Moremi Publishing • Local Governments’ Publisher the proposed loca onHouse Ltd. share: Maintained at based collec on system. Asst. News Editor – Yusuf Oketola 35%. This would allow the – Kazeem Badmus 2. Changes to the state Asst. Features Editor impact of the new colgovernments’ alloca on Deputy Photo Editor – Shola Aderinto lec on method to be obformula: Deputy Graphics Manager – Zainab Olalere served, par cularly its • The 50% equal share effect on the current 20% Produc on Controller – Petkola Taiwo Ibitowa is reduced to 20%. deriva on share. • The 30% popula onOnce the data demonbased share is also re- OSUN DEFENDER is published by Moremi Publishing strates fairness, the legisHouse Limited, Promise Point Building, Opposite duced to 20%. Guaranty Trust Bank (GTB), Gbongan Road, Osogbo, lature can then adjust the • The 20% deriva on Osun State. distribu on formula to inshare is increased to 60%. ISSN : 0794-8050 corporate the 60% deriva3. A significant change Telephone : 0809-301-9152 on share as proposed. in the VAT collec on sys- Website : www.osundefender.com/index.php •Abdulhaleem Ishaq Ringim, a tem: e-mail : osundefenderhq@gmail.com Public Policy enthusiast, writes osundefenderbank@gmail.com • Instead of companies from Zaria. He can be reached via All correspondence to the above email addresses. remi ng VAT from their






Ruling Houses Reject Appointment Of Non-Indigene As New Oniran Kazeem Badmus EMBERS of Awanibaku, Olaitan, and Orunmo ruling houses have rejected the appointment of Mr Kunle


copy obtained by OSUN Kunle Omolola. •Call For Governor Adeleke’s Intervention aDEFENDER, alleged that “When challenged Omolola as the new Oniran of Ilu-Iran in Ayedire South Local Council Development Area, Olupona, Osun State.

The ruling houses, in a le er addressed to Governor Ademola Adeleke, said that Omolola is not an indigene of Ilu-Iran or

a member of any of the en tled royal families. The ruling houses, in the le er through their counsel, Apex Solicitors,

•Hon Sanmi Adeyeba, Ayedaade PDP Chairman presenting Party flag to Hon. Felicia Adenike during the flag-off of election campaign as the party Chairmanship candidate in Ayedaade local government.

‘No One Queries My Authority ‘ - Osogbo Chief Imam Defends SRJ, Muniru’s Islamic Titles Yusuf Oketola HE Chief Imam of Osogbo, Sheikh Rabiu Musa Animasahun has affirmed the conferment of Islamic tles on Senator Ajibola Basiru and Alhaji Muniru Raji. Senator Basiru is the Na onal Secretary of All Progressive Congress (APC) while Alhaji Muniru Adebayo Raji is serving as Special Adviser to Osun State Governor, Senator Ademola Adeleke. Both Ajibola Basiru and Muniru Raji hail from Osogbo, the Osun State capital. OSUN DEFENDER had earlier reported appointment of Muniru Raji and the objec on raised by some people within Osogbo. While reac ng to the controversy on the appointment of Raji as the Asiwaju Musulumi of Osogbo, the Chief Imam said Raji is eminently qualified for Islamic tle bestowed on him. He explained that as the Chief Imam of Osogbo and Chairman of League of Imams and Alfas in Osun State, he’s in the posi on to honour good Mus-


lims with Islamic tles to acknowledge their contribu ons to Islam and encourage them to keep doing good According to him, “We made necessary consulta ons on the appointment of Senator Basiru Surajudeen Ajibola as Asiwaju Musulumi of Osun State and Alhaji Muniru Adebayo Raji as Asiwaju Musulumi of Osogbo. We took the decision together with those that ma er. It was unanimously agreed upon. So, it was not a unilateral decision.” “It was the Asiwaju Musulumi of Yorubaland, Alhaji Tunde Badmus that suggested Senator Basiru Surajudeen Ajibola for the tle of Asiwaju Musulumi of Osun State. The nomina on was accepted. So, we decided to give the tle of Asiwaju Musulumi of Osogbo to Alhaji Muniru

Adebayo Raji. “But, I later heard that Asiwaju Tunde Badmus wanted his son, Lekan to be given the tle of the Asiwaju Musulumi of Osogbo which had been given to Alhaji Muniru.” The Chief Imam said Chief Tunde Badmus wanted some individuals including Barrister Rasheed Kunke Adegoke (SAN) popularly known as K-RAD and Mr Kayode Igbalaye to be honoured with Islamic tles. Imam Animasahun said Asiwaju Badmus told him that this would encourage such individuals to contribute to Islam and that he (Chief Imam) told Asiwaju Tunde Badmus that those individuals should not wait un l they are given Islamic tles before they would contribute to Islam. The Chief Imam said Asiwaju Tunde Badmus lobbied the palace to in-

fluence this but he (Chief Imam) maintained his posi on and stood his ground. According to him, “When it comes to honouring Muslims with Islamic tles, it’s the Chief Imam that can determine who would be given tles and no one should query the Chief Imam on such decisions.” “The Alasaro, the Ratibis and the Mogajis are under the Chief Imam. They cannot dictate to the Chief Imam. They have to abide by decisions of the Chief Imam,” Sheikh Rabiu Musa Animasahun concluded.

they were deliberately sidelined by officials of Ayedire South Local Council Development Area in the appointment of the new Oniran. The le er, tled, ‘A passionate demand for se ng aside the appointment of one Hon. Kunle Omolola as Oniran of IluIran,’ signed by Mr. Ahmad Abdullateef on behalf of Apex solicitors, said the appointed Oniran is an indigene of Elefon village in Oke-Osun and has no business with the vacant stool. The le er, dated December 02, 2024, urged the governor to set aside the appointment of Omolola in the interest of fairness, equity, and jus ce. The le er read in part, “Following the demise of the immediate past Oniran of llu-Iran, Oba Sawiyu Alao Adewolu I, on the 5th day of May 2023, the stool of Oniran became vacant and there arose a need to fill same. While our clients were expec ng the Government to ini ate the processes of filling the stool, it suddenly got to their no ce that one Hon. Kunle Omolola had been appointed as the new Oniran of Ilu-Iran. “Upon hearing what they thought was a cooked story, our clients sent some representa ves to the Ayedire South Local Government Council Development Area, Oluponna to verify the story, and same was confirmed by the Council’s officers in charge of chie aincy. “Upon further inquiry, our clients were told that only two persons obtained forms, one of whom was the said Hon.

why there was no publicity on the availability of the forms, the officers informed our clients that a no ce in that regard was only pasted on the wall of their office at the said Local Council Secretariat, consequent upon which the said two persons purchased a copy each. Our clients there and then registered their grievances on the mode and manner of giving no ce about such an important ma er, and par cularly about the fact that the person purportedly appointed was not en tled to the stool, as he is not from the community. “Sir, apart from the fact that our clients were deliberately sidelined, it is our clients’ bold asseron that the purportedly appointed Hon. Kunle Omolola is not an Indigene of llu-Iran, let alone a member of the Olaitan Ruling House through which he was presented to Your Excellency. He is from Elefon Village, also in Oke Osun in Ayedire Local Government Area of the State, and so, he is not a member of any of the ruling houses in lluIran. “Sir, since Hon. Kunle Omolola is not an indigene of Ilu-Iran or a member of any of the en tled royal families therein, and members of the royal families were deliberately sidelined in the processes of purportedly filing the vacant stool, it is our clients’ passionate appeal to Your Excellency to set aside the said appointment of Hon. Kunle Omolola as the Oniran of Ilu-Iran, in the interest of fairness, equity and jus ce and in the overall peace of the town.”

How New Minimum Wage Delayed Osun Teachers’ Recruitment Exercise Yusuf Oketola HE Osun State Government has disclosed why there is delay in the ongoing teachers’ recruitment in the state. Recall that the state government had in August promised that the teachers it set to employ will be on ground when schools resumed in September but the session is amost coming to an end. It also debunked the rumour that it was silent on the recruitment exercise in a bid to manipulate the process in favour of the PDP members. The state commissioner for Informa on and Public Enlightenment,


Kolapo Alimi, a ributed the delay to the new minimum wage which was just approved by Governor Ademola Adeleke, recently. Alimi revealed this while reac ng to allegaons made by a re red principal in the state, Elder Layi Lawuyi while featuring on a Current Affairs program “Frank Talk”, on a private radio in Osogbo, recently. The commissioner posited that the government cannot employ teachers into the state civil service without considering the wage bill. He said: “The issue of categories of teachers that are supposed to rere or thereabout came

in during the recruitment, which we needed to resolve and it has been resolved. They are back in the school. “Also, the issue of new minimum wage came up and we discovered we need to resolve it to know what the wage bill will be because if we recruit teachers along with the exis ng workers and we do not pay them, the work done will be zero.” The commissioner for educa on in the state, Hon. Dipo Eluwole, while responding to enquiries by OSUN DEFENDER on Monday, said all pending issues on the teachers’ recruitment will be sorted soon.




Adeleke Acknowledges Aregbesola’s Historical Contribution In Osun Kazeem Badmus


SUN State Governor, Senator Ademola Adeleke, on Wednesday, commended the administra on of former Governor Rauf Aregbesola for embarking on Osogbo Ring Road project. Adeleke gave the commenda on in his speech presented at the commissioning ceremony of the completed dualisa on of roundabout-Tes ng Ground-Ilesa Garage Road in Osogbo, on Wednesday. According to the Governor, Aregbesola started the road but it was abandoned by the previous administraon before his administraon decided to take it up and completed it, which led to the ongoing commissioning ceremony. The Governor, who reiterated the efforts of his administra on not to relent in their desire to satisfy their developmental needs, promised not to relent un l the infrastructure is fixed and un l collec ve prosperity is achieved in the en re state.

•States Genesis Of Osogbo Ring Road “I must also pay tribute to my brother, former Governor Rauf Aregbesola. His administra on started the Osogbo Ring Road project before it was abandoned by the previous government. Today, Ogbeni Areg-

besola must be happy at the final comple on of the project. “At the incep on of our administra on, I had promised my God and the people of Osun state that I would not abandon

projects inherited from my predecessors. It is my considered view that public projects are public assets which must not be wasted on the altar of poli cal vende a. I followed my convic on by direc ng my

team to compile a list of all abandoned projects and submit a plan of compleon. “Based on the plan of ac on, our administra on has completed several projects across the sectors. In under 100 days, we completed the Osogbo

•Representative of the Governor, Hon. Teslim Igbalaye Presenting Microcredit Cheque to one of the beneficiaries at the foundation-laying ceremony of the new Osun Micro Credit Agency office complex in Oranmiyan New Town, behind the State Secretariat, Abeere, Osun State

Modakeke Barred From Claiming Boundary Within Ile-Ife Yusuf Oketola N Osun State High Court has restrained Modakeke community from claiming boundary with Ile-Ife around Urban Day Grammar School, Mayfair area or at any other place within Ife Central and Ife East Local Government areas. The court granted the interim injunc on, restraining the community or anyone or group from erec ng any signpost or structure in the aforemen oned areas or in any loca on in the two local governments in Ile-Ife, indica ng boundary of any town pending the determina on of the mo on on no ce for interlocutory injunc on. The suit was filed by Ife Progressive Front and Dr. Gbolade Famoriyo against Ife Development Board, Mr Gbenga Adefaye, Modakeke Progressive Union, Prof. Peter Olawuni, Ife Central and Ife East Local Governments. Gran ng the injuncon, Jus ce A. O. Adeniji said: “ A er hearing Abiodun Olabampe Esq. of counsel, for the applicants who moved the applica on, the court ordered as follows: “Order granted as prayed. “This court here-


by grants an order of interim injunc on restraining the Defendants whether by themselves, their privies or representa ves, or any person(s) ac ng or purpor ng to act for and on their behalf, jointly or severally or in combina on or otherwise from erec ng any signpost or any structure at Urban Day Area, near Mayfair Roundabout, Ile-Ife or

any loca on(s) within Ife Central Local Government Area and Ife East Local Government Area of Osun State indica ng any par oning, boundary or delinea on of any town or city pending the determina on of the Mo on on No ce for Interlocutory Injunc on. Return date shall be 3/12/2024.” The suit is numbered HIF/59/2021.

41 Pregnant Women HIV Positive In Osun Yusuf Oketola HE Osun State Government on Monday disclosed that 33,882 people are living with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) in the state. The Commissioner for Health, Barrister Jola Ak-


intola, revealed this at the 2024 World AIDS Day, held at Adolak Event Centre, Osogbo. He stated that 151,876 people have been tested, of whom 1,307 tested posi ve, including 41 pregnant women. He said, “As of July 2024, over 151,876 paents have been tested in Osun State. A b o u t 1 , 3 0 7 who tested posive have been put on treatm e n t . A b o u t 18,493 pregnant women were tested, and 41 were positive and have

been put to treatment. “Osun has about 22 sites offering comprehensive HIV services where people get tested and receive medicine. We have an es mated number of 33,882 people living with HIV in the state. We have been able to hold con nuous bi-monthly HIV steering commi ee mee ngs,” Akintola said. He disclosed that the state government, in collabora on with implemen ng partners, has registered over 300 people living with HIV/AIDS in the state health insurance scheme free of charge. He assured that efforts are ongoing to ensure the state con nues managing people living with HIV a er the exit of development partners in 2030. The wife of the governor, Ngozi Adeleke, appealed to the people of the state to support

her husband in eradicating HIV/AIDS, promising to contribute to the fight against the syndrome. She lamented the s gma against people living with HIV/AIDS and called on the people of Osun to stop discrimina ng and accommodate all posi ve pa ents to enable them to live longer. Earlier, the Execu ve Secretary of the Osun State Agency for the Control of AIDS (OSACA), Olusegun Daramola, explained that the theme of this year’s celebra on, “Take the Right Path,” was to remind people of their collec ve responsibility to uphold human rights in the response to HIV/AIDS. He commended Governor Ademola Adeleke for his commitment to bringing healthcare closer to the people and working towards eradica ng AIDS in the state.

- Ikirun road dualisa on with full solar street lights. It has been open to use since then. We expanded the inherited reconstrucon of Iwo - Osogbo road to include dualisa on of a major internal road inside Iwo. We completed several abandoned projects inside Osun State University including the one at Isale Osun which was neglected for almost eleven years. “Aside from our resolve to complete inherited projects, the road we are about to commission has important significance for the economic well being and safety of our people. Before our assump on of office, we had reports of mul ple fatal accidents and traffic gridlock on this road. Many voters actually demanded comple on of the road during our eleconeering campaign. “I thank God that today we fulfill our promises to the people of our dear State. The comple on of the dualisa on within record me has expanded economic growth of the capital city. It will save our people from un mely death and injuries. “I must however advise against reckless driving and breaching of driving safety protocols. We are recording increasing accidents on many freshly completed roads due to over - speeding and one way driving. I appeal to road users to be safety conscious. “I am therefore directing security agencies and road safety authori es to enforce safety codes on our brand new roads. The Ministry of Works should also consider the possibility of construc ng speed breakers where necessary. We must secure our people as we are providing be er roads and services across the sectors. “As I earlier promised our people, the commissioning of several completed projects con nues to mark our two years in office. From over 150 kilometers of completed roads, the commissioning crew moves to Iresi town next week to be followed by other towns. “I reassure Osun people that our administraon will not relent in our desire to sa sfy their developmental needs. We will not relent un l our infrastructure is fixed and un l collec ve prosperity is achieved in our dear state.” While speaking, Governor Seyi Makinde of Oyo State, who was highly elated at the ceremony, commended Governor Adeleke for his people oriented programmes to the ci zens of the state.




2026 Is Our Turn To Produce Governor After 33 Years - Osogbo Leaders Yusuf Oketola leader of Osogbo Progressive Union (OPU), Osogbo in Osun, Dr Yemi Oladimeji, has decried the inability of the town to produce a governor since the crea on of the state 33 years ago. OSUN DEFENDER reports that OPU is the umbrella body of all Osogbo indigenous groups. Oladimeji, in a statement on Sunday in Osogbo, said that the a tude of “pull him down syndrome” by some indigenes of Osogbo was responsible for the inability of the town to produce a governor. He charged the indi-


Group Inaugurates Osun Members Towards Electoral Reforms, Economic Prospect


Poli cal group, The Nigerian Project on Wednesday inaugurated its new members in Osun State. According to the Coordinator of the group, Oluwaseyi Adedeji, the mission of the TNP is towards electoral reforms in order to have a free and fair elec ons in Nigeria. Adedeji stressed that the new membership in Osun were inaugurated with the mindset of creating a new Nigeria with ideology and economic policies that make the masses prosper. He said: “The resilience and doggedness of the founding fathers and crusaders for the creaon of Osun was rewarded on August 27th 1991, when the administra on of Gen Ibrahim Badamosi Babangida created nine states with Osun created out of Oyo State with Osogbo as the capital. It was a dream fulfilled and hope achieved. “Today in the same Osun State we inaugurate THE NIGERIAN PROJECT with the mandate and ideology of our Principal Gen. Ibrahim Babangida and his economic policy IBBNOMICS that is totally mass oriented “electoral reforms that has produced the best elec on in Nigeria in terms of basically two party system “Freest, fairest and most credible elec on though with the down side if annulment which was welcome by few that understood the intricacies and many that basically wanted a change to civil or democra c form of government.”

genes of Osogbo to work together and as a team to produce the next governor of the state in the 2026 elec on for the development of the town and the state. Oladimeji noted that Osogbo parades quality, qualified, competent and very sound poli cal leaders, urging all indigenes of Osogbo in various poli cal par es to work for the interest of the town ahead of the next gubernatorial elec on. He noted that prominent indigenes of the town had several opportuni es in the past to become the governor of the state but such opportuni es were deterred by some people. “In the last 33 years that Osun State was created by the military administra on of re red Gen. Ibrahim Babangida, Ede in Osun West has produced the governor twice through late Sen. Isiaka Adetunji Adeleke (1992/1993), and his younger brother, who is the incumbent, Sen. Ademola Adeleke, from 2022 ll date. ”Also, Osun Central has produced the governor thrice through Chief Abdulkareem Adebisi Akande from Ila-Orangun (1999-

•Wife of the Governor, Erelu Ngozi Adeleke, and others at this year’s World AIDS Day, organized by Osun State Agency for the Control of AIDS (O’SACA) Monday 2003), Okuku through Prince Olagunsoye Oyinlola (2003-2010) and Iragbiji through Alhaji Adegboyega Isiaka Oyetola, 2018-2022. “Ilesa in Osun East produced the governor through Ogbeni Abdulrauf Adesoji Aregbesola (20102018). “Our great leader and my big uncle, Sen. Olu Alabi, from Osogbo had a good chance to become the governor of Osun State when he came out to run for the exalted office in 1999 on

the pla orm of the Peoples Democra c Party (PDP). “He fought tooth and nail to emerge the PDP governorship candidate but lost to Chief Bisi Akande of the Alliance for Democracy (AD) because some of our people in Osogbo worked against him. “The history repeated itself in my own case too when I ran the primary for the Osun State governorship under the Alliance for Democracy (AD) in 2007. ”I am bringing up this is-

sue not because of my own interest but for us to learn from history and begin to make an amend so that we don’t fall into the same booby-trap when such an opportunity for Osogbo comes up again,” he said. According to him, there is a lot to gain by working together to advance the course and interest of Osogbo. Oladimeji, who is a member of the United States chapter of OPU, urged Osogbo indigenes in

the diaspora to always work towards the development of the town and be willing to assist the less privileged. “We should also love one another and support whoever God wants to use to represent Osogbo poli cally. ”I am now appealing to all of us to rally support for the development of Osogbo and Osun State. ”Let us show commitment to this course and make it a collec ve responsibility,” he said.

How Osun Deputy Governor Exposed Adeleke’s Motive... •Continued from page 2 “I am sorry, but if our past leaders had thought outside the box, maybe they would have made provisions for the challenges confron ng us today. We should be able to have foresight. If we con nue with the project in Ido-Osun and, in the near future, there is a need for an interna onal airport and the facili es there will not be able to accommodate flight traffic, what do we do?” Also, the community faulted the report of the technical commi ee on the project, headed by Lai Oriowo, describing it as laughable and unprofessional. IYF stressed that the suitability of the airport site has undergone extensive research and environmental impact assessments (EIA) contrary to the claims of the Oriowo’s team. The research, according to the group, confirmed its viability as an Interna onal airport, which successful governments in Osun have made substan al efforts to revive and upgrade the aerodrome, adding that no technical report suggests that the site was

unsuitable at any point. Adeyeye posited that the claim that the airport’s development requires the reloca on of Adeleke Secondary School and the displacement of other settlements is misleading.l He noted that contrary to the claim that residents of the community have encroached on the airport land, it’s Ede community that has encroached on federal property, likely with the inten on of stalling the airport project. He said: “The recent report by Lai Oriowo’s technical team, which claims that the Ido-Osun Airport site does not meet the technical requirements of the Interna onal Civil Avia on Organiza on (ICAO), is both laughable and highly unprofessional. It is impera ve to address the numerous inaccuracies and misleading asserons in this report. “Contrary to the claims of Oriowo’s team, the Ido-Osun Airport site has undergone extensive research and environmental impact assessments (EIA), all of which confirmed its viability as an interna onal airport. Successive governments have made substan al efforts to revive and upgrade the aerodrome. At no point

did any technical report suggest that the site was unsuitable. “The asser on that the Ido-Osun Airport’s exis ng runway is only 1.6 km long and does not meet the minimum standard of 4.8 km is false. The current runway spans 3.8 km and can be extended to 5 km by a responsible government, as addi onal land is available for such upgrades. “When we talk about land mass, soil, the topography and runway, they met up with interna onal standard of ICAO that is Interna onal Civil Avia on Organisa on, there is no areas) town in Osun State that met those standards other than the current Airport in Ido-Osun. “Muritala Muhammed Airport lagos and Nammdi Azikiwwe happens to be the best air power in Nigeria with a runway of 3.9km and 3.6km respec vely, while Ilorin and maiduguri which are interna onal airports has a runway of 3km same as the 3.8km runway in Idoosun airport, how come 4.8km is now the minimum runway standard, if that’s the case, then Lagos and Abuja is substandard by there defini on, hence they should be relocated.

This misinforma on appears to be part of a deliberate a empt to undermine the project. “The claim that the airport’s development requires the reloca on of Adeleke Secondary School and the displacement of other se lements is misleading. Ido-Osun landowners have not encroached on the airport land. Instead, it is the Ede community that has encroached on federal property, likely with the inten on of stalling the airport project. We call on the Federal Government to relocate the encroaching school to protect the public interest. “The report’s cri cism of the placement of uncompleted structures, such as the terminal building and control tower, reflects a lack of sincerity. A comprehensive technical redesign had been proposed under the previous administraon of Governor Oyetola. The designs, handed over during the Avia on City agreement, were meant to serve civil, military, and cargo avia on needs. The allega ons of poor placement hold no merit when examined in the context of these plans.

“The claim that the drainage coverts at the airport are spaced at 65 meters instead of the recommended 150 meters is another unfounded argument. The land space and engineering design accommodates the required spacing, and any adjustments can be made to meet technical standards without scrapping the project. “The report suggests that the airport lacks proper access roads, ignoring the existence of the Iwo-Ibadan road and the Ona Baba Ona route. These roads provide connec vity to major towns, including Osogbo, Ede, Iwo, Ilesa, Ibadan, and Ejigbo. This cri cism is baseless and shows a lack of understanding of the region’s road network. “We, the Ido-Osun Youth Forum, call on the people of Osun State to unite in opposing this wasteful and unnecessary reloca on of the Ido-Osun Airport. We urge the Federal Government to intervene, relocate the encroaching school, and ensure that this vital project serves the public interest.”




Tension Brews In Ilobu, Ifon Over Death Of Farmer Kazeem Badmus


ENSION is brewing again among residents of Ifon-Orolu and Ilobu communi es in Osun State, following the death of a farmer, iden fied as Sikiru Onaolapo, on Tuesday. OSUN DEFENDER reports that the two communi es have been embroiled in a land dispute, a development that led to a violent communal clash that le many dead and property destroyed last year. According to a post by Ilobu-Asake Vanguard on Facebook, the vic m was allegedly shot dead by gunmen from Ifon. The post noted that he was shot on his farm located in the Oke-Ekutu area, a boundary between the two communies. In a video footage that accompanied the post, the dead body of the vic m was seen in a car parked in front of the palace of Olobu of Ilobu, Oba Ashiru Olatoye, with a large crowd wailing and mourning the deceased. The mourners demanded immediate acon from the Osun State Governor, Ademola

•As Communities Renew Hostility

•Guinness World Records holder in loud Reading, Samson Olalekan Ajao with Hon. Bamidele Salam during his visit to is office recently. Adeleke, and the security morning and was shot denied involvement in Governor Ademola agents to de-escalate ten- dead. Those close to the the death of the farmer. Adeleke to wade into sion and prevent reprisal. scene said the deceased IPU in a statement the renewed hos lity The spokesperson for men oned one Muideen signed by its secretary, between Ilobu and Ifonthe Olobu Palace, Chief Alabata from Ifon,” Ogun- Prince Jide Akinyooye, Osun to avoid another Leke Ogunsola, while sola said. described the report as round of violent clashes. He added, “The Ilobu malicious and false. speaking with newsmen, The residents who claimed that the vic m community demands that The body urges secu- spoke with OSUN DEiden fied his assailant as security agencies arrest rity agencies to inves - FENDER said the recent one Muideen Alabama the suspect and conduct gate the circumstances allega ons and countera thorough inves ga on surrounding the death of allega ons by stakeholdfrom Ifon. ers of Ilobu and Ifon-Osun the farmer. “Sikiru Onaolapo is into the killing.” However, in a swi The statement reads might spell another comthe vic m from Olobu compound. He went to reac on, the Ifon-Orolu in part, “The Ifon-Orolu munal clash. The residents emhis farm at Oke-Ekutu this Progressive Union (IPU), Progressive Union (IPU) has been made aware of phasized the need for malicious propaganda cir- Governor Adeleke to call cula ng about the people both par es to order to of Ifon-Orolu Kingdom prevent a repeat of the being responsible for last violent a ack that octhe reported death of an curred between the two direc ng the immedi- ble. ate installa on of solar “On the shortage of Ilobu man. We strongly communi es last year. Speaking with OSUN light to illuminate the staff, I want to assure deny these allega ons hospital”. you that we will look and condemn any ac ons DEFENDER, an indigene of Ilobu, Ajibade Oladimeji, that could lead to a breakIn his welcome ad- into it. We don’t want said the recent outburst dress, the Board Chair- to recruit people we down in law and order. by the two communi es “We commend the man of the hospital, won’t be able to pay Barrister Niyi Owolade, their salary. So, we will rapid response of the has created palpable fear appreciated the gover- study the situa on and Osun State Government, within residents of the nor for his con nuous come up with a way to led by His Excellency, Asi- communi es. “People are moving support for the hospi- go about it but I can as- waju Nurudeen Jackson Ademola Adeleke, and all in fear of another clash tal. sure you we will recruit security agencies for en- breaking out between He said, “I want to more staff. suring safety and protec- Ifon and Ilobu and this is appreciate the peo“On the requests by on in both Irepodun and not good. I am a farmer in ples’ governor for his the management, I’m Orolu State Cons tuency. Ifon, and I’m from Ilobu, con nuous support for direc ng the Commis“The leadership of IPU but I can tell you that my this hospital. You are sioner for Health and and community leaders host community has been truly the light and we the Board Chairman of of Orolu Kingdom appre- good to me.’ are hopeful that more the hospital to come up ciate the exemplary leadA resident of Ifon, Bangood things are coming with the comprehensive ership style of HRM Oba ji Omolola, said, “I’m apto this hospital during list of your request and Peter Oluwole Ipadeola pealing to Governor Adyour me.” it shall be looked into,” Akinyooye III, promo ng emola Adeleke to quickly The Chief Medical the governor said. peace in the area. We also wade in on the ma er Director of the hospital, acknowledge the fatherly and call stakeholders of Dr Babatunde Afolabi, rela onship among tra- the two communi es to said the hospital has di onal leaders in both order. enjoyed tremendous “The governor should Orolu/Irepodun State support from the state find a way of finding a Cons tuency. government. “We urge security las ng solu on to the isDr Afolabi, however, agencies to inves gate sues between the two said the hospital needs the allega ons surround- communi es. We have some modern equiping the reported killing Ifon-Osun indigenes in ments and more staff, and remind residents Ilobu who are living comamong other things, to of Orolu Local Govern- fortably and vice versa be able to perform opment that the prohibi- and we don’t pray for anmally. on on fireworks within other fight.” Responding, GoverOSUN DEFENDER reOrolu Kingdom remains nor Adeleke promised ports that the two comin force.” to look into the request OSUN DEFENDER had muni es recently reof the management in its last edi on reported newed their hos lity with with a view to gran ng how residents of the two allega ons of violence them as soon as possiagainst one another. communi es called on

Adeleke Reiterates Commitment To Improve Healthcare Delivery Kazeem Badmus OVERNOR Ademola Adeleke has reiterated his administra on’s commitment to improving the healthcare service delivery in Osun State. The Governor made the pledge on Monday during his visit to Osun State University Teaching Hospital, UNIOSUNTH. Speaking shortly after inspec ng some facili es in the hospital, Adeleke promised to recruit more staff for the hospital to enhance op mal service delivery. The Governor also directed the immediate installa on of solar lights in the hospital environment. Also, the governor donated N20 million each to pa ents and staff of the hospital. He said, “I want to appreciate the management of this hospital. This hospital is the last hope of our people, and I want to thank the staff for doing a great job. “I’m giving out N20 million each to the paents and staff of this hospital while I’m also


The Olobu-in-Council had accused the Olufon of Ifon-Osun, Oba Peter Oluwole Akinyooye, of using armed thugs to terrorize residents of Ilobu. They urged the state government and security agencies to promptly intervene in the alleged provoca ve acts by some armed men backed by Olufon of Ifon-Osun. The tradi onal Chiefs said the armed men have heightened tensions and created fears within the community, adding that their ac vi es might spark another bloody clash between the two communi es. However, indigenes of Ifon-Osun, while reacting, described the allegaons against the Olufon as baseless. The indigenes said the statement credited to the Olobu of Ilobu, Oba Ashiru Olaniyan, alleging Olufon of using armed thugs to terrorise Ilobu people was not only false but an a empt to fraudulently take possession of the land that does not belong to him (Olobu) and his community. They also noted that the allega on that the Olufon have a hit squad led by Chief Sikiru Mustapha and Chief Fatai Muideen was untrue and an a empt to bring the reputa on of their monarch to disrepute. Meanwhile, the State Police Command has confirmed the arrest of a suspect in connec on with the alleged killing of Onaolapo. The Police Public Rela ons Officer, Yemisi Opalola, while giving an update on Wednesday, said more personnel had been deployed to Ifon and Ilobu communi es to maintain law and order. Opalola, who did not disclose the iden ty of the suspect in police custody, also said the Commissioner of Police, Mohammed Abba, had held mee ngs with the affected communi es. She said, “We have deployed more personnel and tac cal team men to the affected community. The CP has also been engaging the communi es in mee ngs. “We also have in our custody one suspect. We are pressing ahead with our inves ga on to get to the root of the incident. We are assuring members of the public that we will ensure that jus ce is served. We also urge them to remain law abiding to enable us to discharge our du es effec vely and protect lives and proper es.”

ISSN : 0794 - 8050


FRIDAY, DECEMBER 06, 2024 - THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 2024 VOL. 19 NO 45 www.osundefender.com, email: osundefenderbank@gmail.com


IGERIA stands at a turning point, facing significant fiscal hurdles while pursuing ambi ous economic objec ves. To address these challenges, the government has leaned on external financial strategies that offer immediate relief but come with poten al long-term consequences. These decisions will shape the na on’s economic future and its resilience in the face of global uncertain es. Understanding the balance between short-term fixes and sustainable growth is more cri cal now than ever. Imagine a family barely scraping by. A quick loan might ease their burden today, but the repayments can create new challenges down the road. Nigeria faces a similar situa on. With foreign reserves at $40.17 billion as of October 2024 and external debt reaching $42.9 billion, the country is naviga ng stormy fiscal waters. Adding to this, Nigeria’s heavy reliance on oil revenue es its fate to unpredictable global markets—a vulnerability shared with na ons like Saudi Arabia and Venezuela, albeit approached differently by each. Saudi Arabia uses its $100/barrel benchmark to fund transforma ve projects under Vision 2030. While this is bold, it leaves the na on exposed to oil price drops. Venezuela, however, serves as a cau onary tale of economic mismanagement, where overreliance on oil led to hyperinfla on and collapse. Nigeria’s more cau ous $77.96/ barrel benchmark offers some stability, but lowering it further could be er protect the economy from vola lity while building stronger reserves for future challenges. Lowering the benchmark could also allow Nigeria to save surplus funds in stabiliza on mechanisms like the Excess Crude Account. These savings can act as a safety net for future uncertain es. However, Nigeria faces hurdles such as oil the , vandalism, and outdated infrastructure, which prevent it from fully capitalizing on its oil poten al. By learning from Saudi Arabia’s ambi ous investments and Venezuela’s missteps, Nigeria can cra a balanced and sustainable economic strategy. One area ripe for reform is Nigeria’s public procurement system, which has long been plagued by inefficiencies, corrup on, and a lack of transparency. Enhancing procurement processes could significantly reduce financial leakages and ensure be er alloca on of resources. Introducing digital tools, stricter regula ons, and compe ve bidding systems would not only reduce waste but also foster accountability and improve the efficiency of public spending. Coupled with support for micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), this could catalyze economic recovery. MSMEs, if empowered, can drive innova on, create jobs, and help diversify the economy beyond its dependence on oil.

“Structural changes in revenue sharing, such as VAT and lottery rulings, emphasize the urgent need for governance reform, especially in Northern states that heavily depend on Federal Accounts Allocation Committee (FAAC) distributions. To remain competitive, these states must modernize industries, adopt corporate governance frameworks”

41 Pregnant Women HIV Positive In Pg. 5 Osun


By Abidemi Adebamiwa Chaos And Economic Gambles: Nigeria’s Quest For Stability Debt servicing already consumes over 70% of Nigeria’s revenue, leaving li le room for vital investments in educa on, healthcare, and infrastructure. This burden is further compounded by the proposed $2.2 billion loan under President Tinubu’s administra on. While the government claims to have saved N33.76 trillion ($20 billion) from subsidy removal and Naira float policies, these savings have come at a steep cost to the average Nigerian. Rising fuel and food prices have le many households struggling to make ends meet. These challenges highlight the gap between fiscal policies and their impact on ordinary ci zens. For significant reforms to succeed, the government must establish strong support systems to ease immediate hardships while fostering long-term bene-


fits. Historically, borrowed funds have been used to address short-term needs rather than drive transforma ve development. A strategic shi is needed to close this gap and create las ng economic resilience. Other na ons provide lessons—both cau onary and inspiring. Argen na’s dependence on foreign loans led to a devastating currency collapse and infla on. Ghana, too, struggled under rising debt, leading to an IMF bailout that imposed harsh austerity measures. On the brighter side, Indonesia’s response to the 1990s Asian Financial Crisis offers a playbook for recovery. By diversifying exports, strengthening regula ons, and inves ng in manufacturing and agriculture, Indonesia transformed its economy into a model of stability. Borrowing, if guided by clear objec ves,

can be a powerful tool for progress. Nigeria must priori ze transforma ve projects like renewable energy and railways—ini a ves that promise las ng economic returns. Diversifying revenue streams is equally cri cal. Over-reliance on oil leaves the economy vulnerable, but expanding exports in agriculture and technology can create more stable income sources. Nigeria’s tax-to-GDP ra o, at just 6%, is among the lowest globally. Reforming the tax system and cracking down on tax evasion could unlock billions in revenue. Simplified tax policies and improved enforcement could also a ract significant foreign direct investment (FDI), bolstering economic stability. Strengthening corporate governance and formalizing businesses, par cularly in Northern states, would further enhance revenue genera on and reduce reliance on federal alloca ons. Foresight and discipline are essen al for naviga ng economic turbulence. Norway’s sovereign wealth funds, built from oil revenues, provide a model of how savings can cushion economies during downturns. Nigeria must adopt policies that bridge the gap between fiscal discipline and social protec on, ensuring that decisions like subsidy removal are paired with measures that protect the most vulnerable. By lowering its oil benchmark and saving during booms, Nigeria can prepare for future challenges. Recent claims of $20 billion in savings from subsidy reforms illustrate the poten al of disciplined fiscal policies. Subsidy restructuring, modeled on Saudi Ara•Read full article on www.osundefender.com •Adebamiwa, a Policy and Political Analyst, writes from Pleasanton, California.

Striker is not the opinion of the Columnist featured above

Before The Truth Sets You Free


N John 8:32, the Bible (New Interna onal Version) says, “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” I prefer the version because of the context, on the basis of the opening word, “Then.” It presumes that there are deeds to be done even before the truth is known, much ahead of it se ng anyone free. Full of grumblings about unrighteousness and not being in good standing before equity are the works that majority of Nigerians ignore with veiled contempt. They are far from the day they will embrace the truth and thereby find self and social redempon. As far as peace and security, jus ce, freedom and prosperity are concerned, desiring them requires interroga ons of the Nigerian reality dispassionately to find out the truth about how and why we con nue to perambulate about in our present wilderness of a thousand tribula ons. Meanwhile, those who want to work on it and achieve it do not need to come in their thousands. All they need is, while not being saints themselves as there are none, come with as clean a hand as possible. That way, they will have the support, solidarity and followership of the majority; with that, the victory of good over evil in the land is inevitable. Those who are the champions of exploita on and oppression in Nigeria today and have plunged the majority into unprecedented hardship with fake promises of be er days ahead resul ng from their wayward policies, have indeed summed up the a tude and disposi on of the major-

ity – their nonpar san affilia on to truth, and their unwillingness to make sacrifices for the common good. Seeing clearly that majority of Nigerians are in huge deficit and beholden to self-destruc ve par san “truths” and self-centred pursuits, the elites are assured that there is absolutely no meaningful resistance to injus ce that can be mustered by the people. Accordingly, the elites con nue to openly and brazenly showcase their unrepentant commitment to themselves at the expense of the common good. The truth about how and why we are where we are is not hidden at all. They are told by those s ll commi ed to telling them every day before the independence of Nigeria in Newspapers, in songs, in poems, in theatres and dramas, and more recently on all social media pla orms. Why then is knowing the truth and ge ng set free by it difficult? It takes the readiness to accept the readiness of the responsibility that the truth imposes to really know the truth even if a man or woman’s brain

is cracked opened and the truth is poured into it; without that readiness to follow the truth to the dark places it leads ahead of emergence into light, a person in front of whom the truth is standing naked will connue to have reasons to live the lie in ruinous denial. Truth imposes responsibility; willingness precedes readiness in the task of accep ng those responsibili es. Without readiness, let the majority of Nigerians arrive at just being willing to accept that responsibility first. We will accordingly arrive at the first stage in which no government that is supposed to be of the people, by the people and for the people can take them for granted. Nigerians had lived under brutal military dictatorship for years and eventually summoned the willingness to throw off their tyrannical yoke. So, what changed? The value system, and its decadence, gradually, un l the man or woman saying the truth or doing right by it today is the endangered species in Nigeria, and seen by majority as the fool by the majority who are themselves dehumanised idiots; thereby easily producing the kind of government they deserve. There are several stories of human and societal redemp on, and Nigeria is capable of wri ng the most upli ing and spectacular of such, and why not, if Rwanda can come from horrifying genocide story to the blessed, prosperous country they are today through a leadership and followership that eventually came to reckoning with doing what is needed to make them know the truth and be set free by it?

OSUN DEFENDER is published by Moremi Publishing House Limited, Promise Point Building, Opposite Guaranty Trust Bank (GTB), Gbongan Road, Osogbo, Osun State. All correspondence to the Asst. News Editor, YUSUF OKETOLA, Telephone: 0809-301-9152. ISSN: 0794-8050. Website: www.osundefender.com Email: osundefenderbank@gmail.com, osundefenderhq@gmail.com

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