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Indofood introduces noodle product innovations

The green noodle is made of broccoli with the goodness of savory mushroom stocks, corn and carrot toppings, with no MSG, artificial flavor or preservatives. Supermi Nutrimi has been categorized as ‘Healthier Choice’ by Badan Pengawas Obat-obatan dan Makanan (National Agency of Drug and Food Control).

Indofood’s Noodles Division General Manager Marketing Julia Atman said, “We’ve noticed that health awareness among people is increasing. We can see increasing numbers of people who are living healthy lifestyles, including the choice of what they’re eating. It raises expectations among instant noodle consumers to have a tasty instant noodle that is also healthier yet affordable. Based on those consumer insights, we proudly present Supermi Nutrimi Chicken Steak flavor as a ‘Healthier Choice’.”

Presented in stores across Indonesia and online for health-conscious consumers, Supermi Nutrimi is available at an affordable Rp3,500 (US$0.24) per pack.


Indofood has launched its latest 2021 Indomie noodle innovation in response to the pandemic: a dish that meets Indonesians’ longing for a meal they would normally enjoy in a restaurant or café.

Indomie HypeAbis Mieghetti Bolognese offers a taste of West and East, and the name Mieghetti is derived from the exclusive combination of Indomie and spaghetti.

The Mieghetti noodle texture is the key element that brings delight in every bite, through a chewier and straighter noodle, with its savory and authentic bolognese taste and meaty topping. Like other HypeAbis flavors in that product series, the Mieghetti Bolognese comes with additional chili powder that can be added according to one’s preference – perfect for Indonesian taste buds. <<