2 minute read

Seven Ways to Stand Out Among Wineries and Cideries

wines that have a distinctive flavour profile.

For example, winemakers can use different types of oak barrels or different yeasts to create a distinguishing flavour, or use production methods such as using wild yeast or aging the wine in clay pots.


more likely to become repeat customers and advocates for a brand that they feel aligned with their values and personality. They also may be willing to pay more for a brand that they perceive as higher quality, authentic, and aligned with their values.

and hotels, can help wineries and cideries reach new audiences and increase brand awareness.

Owners and marketing contacts should consider partnerships and collaborations that align with their brand values and target audience.

Today’s customer is spoiled for choice. Your business is just one of dozens that the discerning customer may choose from, so how can you attract customers and stand out from the crowd?

British Columbia wineries and cideries can define their unique offerings in a variety of ways. Here are some tips and reminders to consider:

1. Emphasize the region: BC has a unique climate and terroir that can produce high-quality wines and ciders.

Wineries and cideries can highlight the unique features of the exact region, local climate, and soil, to showcase the unique flavours and characteristics of your products. Something special about your orchard? Are you in a Sub GI? Wine from a single vineyard? Where it’s grown can give the beverage a flavour profile that cannot be replicated elsewhere. Tell us about it.

2. Celebrate local: Using local grapes, apples, and other fruit makes our wines and ciders distinct from those made in other regions. People love to support local and local ingredients showcase the flavours of BC’s terroir. Remind people that when they support you they are supporting local economies.

3. Experiment with different varieties and methods: Wineries and cideries can experiment with lesser-known varieties to create unique and distinctive products. Wineries can also use winemaking methods to create

4. Embrace sustainable practices: Many consumers are becoming more aware of the impact of human activities on the environment and are seeking products that are produced using sustainable practices.

Sustainable wines and ciders are often made with methods that minimize the use of chemicals and reduce carbon emissions. Sustainable wines and ciders are often made with organic or biodynamic farming practices, which means they are free from synthetic chemicals and pesticides.

This can appeal to consumers who are concerned about their health and the potential risks associated with consuming products that contain synthetic chemicals. Wineries and cideries can adopt sustainable practices, such as using organic or biodynamic farming methods, to appeal to these consumers.

5. Develop a strong brand: A strong brand can help wineries and cideries stand out in a crowded market.

Owners and marketing contacts should consider developing a unique brand identity that communicates the values and personality of their winery or cidery. A strong brand can help to build trust with consumers by communicating the quality and authenticity of its products.

Consumers may be more likely to trust a brand that has a clear and consistent message and are

6. Engage with consumers: Engaging with consumers can help wineries and cideries build brand loyalty and create a community of supporters. Owners and marketing contacts should consider hosting events, in addition to offering tours, and engaging on social media to connect with consumers.

7. Collaborate with other local businesses: I’ve said it before: collaboration with other local businesses, such as restaurants

By emphasizing the unique features of BC’s terroir, experimenting with different varieties, adopting sustainable practices, developing a strong brand, engaging with consumers, and collaborating with other local businesses, BC wineries and cideries can define their unique offering and stand out in a competitive market.

Leeann Froese owns Town Hall Brands. townhallbrands.com or on social @townhallbrands